missionScripts: # usually kept in its own file, for example : MissionScripts.rul - type: STR_DEFEND_THE_MILK # name of mission type - Terror mission style mission as it spawns to MZ3 which in Vanilla Xcom is the Human City names EG:Sydney, NeyYork ETC. firstMonth: 0 #what month it will start from lastMonth: 12 #what month you want it to be the last time it runs startDelay: 3900 # the delay time it will trigger on geoscape from the start of the month executionOdds: 70 # what is the percentage chance it will spawn each month randomDelay: 18000 # use to make its spawning time each month a little more random missionWeights: #If triggered for a month, it will pick on of the following options, the first example as a 25% chance for each Alien Mission will spawn 0: STR_Cat_faction_1: 25 STR_Cat_faction_2: 25 STR_Cat_faction_3: 25 STR_Cat_faction_4: 25 2: # starting at the third month ( as it counts from 0 not 1), change the mission spawning mix STR_Cat_faction_3: 50 STR_Cat_faction_4: 50 4: STR_Cat_faction_2: 50 STR_Cat_faction_3: 50 6: STR_Cat_faction_1: 50 STR_Cat_faction_2: 50 useTable: false alienMissions: # usually kept in its own file, for example : AlienMissions.rul - type: STR_Cat_faction_1 # These must be named the same as the above MissionWeights, Note you will need one for each you have listed above. points: 10 # How many score/rating points are awarded to xcom when this event pops up. If there is a region, points are awarded to that region's activity, otherwise to the research score. objective: 3 #????? spawnZone: 3 # this is where you changr the MissionZone, 3 defaults to the Human Cities in Vanilla Xcom raceWeights: 0: STR_CAT_FACTION_1_SCOUTS: 100 # Must match name in AlienRaces, if you have more than one entered here, you will choose between each race you provide, if only 1 entry, it can only use the one race. 5: # At the 6th month, stop using the SCOUT version of this Faction, start using the ELITES version. STR_CAT_FACTION_1_ELITES: 100 waves: - ufo: STR_Cat_faction_1_weapons # Must match Mission name in Alien Deplyoments count: 1 trajectory: P1 timer: 5000 - type: STR_Cat_faction_2 # These must be named the same as the above MissionWeights, Note you will need one for each you have listed above. points: 10 # How many score/rating points are awarded to xcom when this event pops up. If there is a region, points are awarded to that region's activity, otherwise to the research score. objective: 3 #????? spawnZone: 3 # this is where you changr the MissionZone, 3 defaults to the Human Cities in Vanilla Xcom raceWeights: 0: STR_CAT_FACTION_2_SCOUTS: 30 # Must match name in AlienRaces, if you have more than one entered here, you will choose between each race you provide, if only 1 entry, it can only use the one race. waves: - ufo: STR_Cat_faction_2_weapons # Must match Mission name in Alien Deplyoments count: 1 trajectory: P1 timer: 5000 - type: STR_Cat_faction_3 # These must be named the same as the above MissionWeights, Note you will need one for each you have listed above. points: 10 # How many score/rating points are awarded to xcom when this event pops up. If there is a region, points are awarded to that region's activity, otherwise to the research score. objective: 3 #????? spawnZone: 3 # this is where you changr the MissionZone, 3 defaults to the Human Cities in Vanilla Xcom raceWeights: 0: STR_CAT_FACTION_3_SCOUTS: 30 # Must match name in AlienRaces, if you have more than one entered here, you will choose between each race you provide, if only 1 entry, it can only use the one race. waves: - ufo: STR_Cat_faction_4_weapons # Must match Mission name in Alien Deplyoments count: 1 trajectory: P1 timer: 5000 - type: STR_Cat_faction_4 # These must be named the same as the above MissionWeights, Note you will need one for each you have listed above. points: 10 # How many score/rating points are awarded to xcom when this event pops up. If there is a region, points are awarded to that region's activity, otherwise to the research score. objective: 3 #????? spawnZone: 3 # this is where you changr the MissionZone, 3 defaults to the Human Cities in Vanilla Xcom raceWeights: 0: STR_CAT_FACTION_4_SCOUTS: 30 # Must match name in AlienRaces, if you have more than one entered here, you will choose between each race you provide, if only 1 entry, it can only use the one race. waves: - ufo: STR_Cat_faction_4_weapons # Must match Mission name in Alien Deplyoments count: 1 trajectory: P1 timer: 5000 alienDeployments: # usually kept in its own file, for example : AlienDeplyment.rul #### You need one of the below for each Kitty faction to make sure they use there own specific Kitty weapons ### ### Note : i am not a expert at the below so when that day comes i will add some comments :) Luke83 - type: STR_CAT_FACTION_1_SCOUTS data: - alienRank: 5 lowQty: 4 highQty: 6 dQty: 1 percentageOutsideUfo: 70 itemSets: - - STR_PISTOL - STR_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_RIFLE - STR_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_CLIP - alienRank: 4 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - alienRank: 3 lowQty: 1 highQty: 1 dQty: 1 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - - STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - alienRank: 2 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL - STR_GAUSS_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL - STR_GAUSS_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_VIBRO_BLADE - alienRank: 1 lowQty: 1 highQty: 1 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL - STR_GAUSS_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_GAUSS_PISTOL - STR_GAUSS_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_VIBRO_BLADE - - STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_VIBRO_BLADE - alienRank: 6 lowQty: 1 highQty: 3 dQty: 2 percentageOutsideUfo: 50 itemSets: - [] - [] - [] - alienRank: 7 lowQty: 1 highQty: 3 dQty: 2 percentageOutsideUfo: 50 itemSets: - [] - [] - [] width: 40 length: 40 height: 6 civilians: 5 terrains: - ISLAND alert: STR_RAIDER_ATTACK alertBackground: BACK03.SCR briefing: palette: 2 music: GMENBASE markerName: STR_RAIDER_ATTACK duration: [4, 10] despawnPenalty: 1000 #### DUPLICATE AS NEEDED #### alienRaces: # usually kept in its own file, for example : AlienRaces.rul - id: STR_CAT_FACTION_1_SCOUTS members: - STR_SECTOID_COMMANDER - STR_SECTOID_LEADER - STR_SECTOID_ENGINEER - STR_SECTOID_MEDIC - STR_SECTOID_NAVIGATOR - STR_SECTOID_SOLDIER - STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST - STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST - id: STR_CAT_FACTION_1_ELITES members: - STR_SECTOID_COMMANDER - STR_SECTOID_LEADER - STR_SECTOID_ELITE - STR_SECTOID_ELITE - STR_SECTOID_ELITE - STR_SECTOID_ELITE - STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST - STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST - id: STR_CAT_FACTION_2_SCOUTS members: - STR_SECTOID_COMMANDER - STR_SECTOID_LEADER - STR_SECTOID_ENGINEER - STR_SECTOID_MEDIC - STR_SECTOID_NAVIGATOR - STR_SECTOID_SOLDIER - STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST - STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST - id: STR_CAT_FACTION_2_ELITES members: - STR_SECTOID_COMMANDER - STR_SECTOID_LEADER - STR_SECTOID_ELITE - STR_SECTOID_ELITE - STR_SECTOID_ELITE - STR_SECTOID_ELITE - STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST - STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST - id: STR_CAT_FACTION_3_SCOUTS members: - STR_SECTOID_COMMANDER - STR_SECTOID_LEADER - STR_SECTOID_ENGINEER - STR_SECTOID_MEDIC - STR_SECTOID_NAVIGATOR - STR_SECTOID_SOLDIER - STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST - STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST - id: STR_CAT_FACTION_3_ELITES members: - STR_SECTOID_COMMANDER - STR_SECTOID_LEADER - STR_SECTOID_ELITE - STR_SECTOID_ELITE - STR_SECTOID_ELITE - STR_SECTOID_ELITE - STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST - STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST - id: STR_CAT_FACTION_4_SCOUTS members: - STR_SECTOID_COMMANDER - STR_SECTOID_LEADER - STR_SECTOID_ENGINEER - STR_SECTOID_MEDIC - STR_SECTOID_NAVIGATOR - STR_SECTOID_SOLDIER - STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST - STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST - id: STR_CAT_FACTION_4_ELITES members: - STR_SECTOID_COMMANDER - STR_SECTOID_LEADER - STR_SECTOID_ELITE - STR_SECTOID_ELITE - STR_SECTOID_ELITE - STR_SECTOID_ELITE - STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST - STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST