countries: - type: STR_USA fundingBase: 600 fundingCap: 10000 labelLon: 260 labelLat: -40 areas: # lonMin lonMax latMin latMax - [235, 255, -49, -32] - [255, 277.5, -49, -29] - [260, 265, -29, -26] - [277, 280, -32, -25] - [277.5, 286, -44, -32] - [286, 292.5, -45.5, -40] - type: STR_RUSSIA fundingBase: 230 fundingCap: 8000 labelLon: 60 labelLat: -60 areas: - [30, 50, -70, -45] - [24, 30, -60, -42] - [50, 75, -77, -40] - [75, 165, -80, -50] - [165, 170, -70, -59] - type: STR_UK fundingBase: 240 fundingCap: 7000 labelLon: 358 labelLat: -53.625 areas: - [352, 2, -60, -50] - type: STR_FRANCE fundingBase: 320 fundingCap: 8000 labelLon: 2.5 labelLat: -46.5 areas: - [355, 7, -50, -43] - type: STR_GERMANY fundingBase: 250 fundingCap: 9000 labelLon: 11.5 labelLat: -50 areas: - [6, 15, -55, -47.5] - type: STR_ITALY fundingBase: 160 fundingCap: 6000 labelLon: 12.5 labelLat: -43.875 areas: - [7, 15, -46.5, -43] - [11, 18, -43, -37] - type: STR_SPAIN fundingBase: 140 fundingCap: 5000 labelLon: 357.5 labelLat: -42.625 areas: - [353, 3, -43, -36.5] - [351, 353, -43, -42.25] - type: STR_CHINA fundingBase: 245 fundingCap: 7000 labelLon: 100 labelLat: -35 areas: - [75, 98, -50, -30] - [98, 122, -50, -22] - [122, 133, -54, -40] - type: STR_JAPAN fundingBase: 400 fundingCap: 10000 labelLon: 138 labelLat: -38.25 areas: - [130, 143, -40, -30] - [138, 147, -46, -40] - type: STR_INDIA fundingBase: 150 fundingCap: 5000 labelLon: 80 labelLat: -24 areas: - [70, 85, -30, -8] - [74, 79, -35, -30] - [85, 95, -27, -20] - type: STR_BRAZIL fundingBase: 300 fundingCap: 4000 labelLon: 305 labelLat: 5 areas: - [290, 302, -2.5, 17] - [302, 310, -2.5, 22] - [310, 325, 0, 24] - [305, 313, 22, 32] - type: STR_AUSTRALIA fundingBase: 280 fundingCap: 5000 labelLon: 135 labelLat: 25 areas: - [110, 156, 10, 40] - type: STR_NIGERIA fundingBase: 180 fundingCap: 2000 labelLon: 7.5 labelLat: -10 areas: - [3, 14, -14, -4] - type: STR_SOUTH_AFRICA fundingBase: 230 fundingCap: 3000 labelLon: 25 labelLat: 30 areas: - [15, 25, 26, 35] - [25, 32.5, 22, 35] - type: STR_EGYPT fundingBase: 230 fundingCap: 2000 labelLon: 29 labelLat: -26 areas: - [25, 35, -32, -22] - type: STR_CANADA fundingBase: 230 fundingCap: 4000 labelLon: 260 labelLat: -55 areas: - [219, 230, -70, -55] - [230, 305, -75, -40] regions: - type: STR_NORTH_AMERICA cost: 800000 areas: - [195, 305, -70, -55] - [230, 305, -55, -30] - [240, 300, -30, -10] cities: - name: STR_NEW_YORK lon: 286.125 lat: -40.75 - name: STR_WASHINGTON lon: 282.875 lat: -38.75 - name: STR_LOS_ANGELES lon: 241.75 lat: -34.125 - name: STR_MONTREAL lon: 284.25 lat: -45.5 - name: STR_HAVANA lon: 277.625 lat: -22.5 - name: STR_MEXICO_CITY lon: 260.875 lat: -19.375 - name: STR_CHICAGO lon: 272.375 lat: -41.875 - name: STR_VANCOUVER lon: 236.75 lat: -49.375 - name: STR_DALLAS lon: 263.375 lat: -32.75 regionWeight: 18 missionWeights: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH: 14 STR_ALIEN_HARVEST: 17 STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION: 20 STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION: 20 STR_ALIEN_BASE: 20 missionZones: # lonMin lonMax latMin latMax - - [200, 220, -65, -60] - [230, 260, -65, -55] - [280, 290, -50, -40] - [230, 250, -50, -40] - [260, 280, -50, -40] - [230, 250, -40, -30] - [250, 272, -40, -28] - [270, 290, -42, -25] - [275, 295, -35, -10] - [240, 280, -30, -10] - - [200, 225, -63.75, -60.75] - [245, 260, -54, -50] - [250, 260, -50, -40] - [270, 280, -37, -34] - [255, 260, -40, -30] - [255, 260, -25, -20] - [258.75, 263.75, -19, -17.5] - [286.5, 289.5, -19.375, -18.625] - [240, 242, -45, -44] - [260, 270, -44, -34] - - [236, 240, -50, -45] - [260, 262, -50, -45] - [265, 270, -18, -17] - [273.125, 275.75, -13.25, -12.25] - [241.875, 245.875, -36.5, -34.625] - [286.375, 291, -46.625, -45] - [252.75, 263.125, -42.25, -39] - [286.875, 289, -19, -18.5] - [274.5, 276.25, -44.375, -43.375] - [200.625, 216.75, -64.75, -62.25] - - [250, 270, -66, -64] - [280, 292.5, -51, -46] - [267.5, 269.5, -30, -29.5] - [240, 246, -45, -38] - [277.5, 278.5, -31, -28] - [286.875, 288.75, -19.5, -18.75] - [273.25, 275.75, -13.125, -11.875] - [247, 247.5, -27.25, -26.75] - [222.875, 239.25, -63.625, -59.875] - [258.125, 267.125, -40.75, -36.875] - - [0, 359.875, -90, -80] - [0, 359.875, 80, 90] - [180, 200, 0, 10] - [355, 365, -5, 5] - [170, 190, -60, -40] - [305, 325, -60, -30] - [280, 300, 16.125, 36.125] - [4.75, 27.625, -52, -44.375] - [75, 89, -39, -34.375] - [115, 132.5, 21, 25.5] - type: STR_ARCTIC cost: 950000 areas: - [0, 360, -90, -70] regionWeight: 4 missionWeights: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH: 25 STR_ALIEN_BASE: 35 missionZones: # lonMin lonMax latMin latMax - - [302.25, 323.625, -80.75, -78.625] - [62, 66, -76.125, -75.25] - - [305.25, 333.125, -79.25, -75.25] - [273.25, 282.125, -73.375, -71.625] - [159.375, 205.75, -78.625, -75] - [8.5, 72.75, -80.375, -74.125] - [74.875, 165.875, -79.75, -74] - [0, 359.875, -90, -85] - - [302.25, 323.625, -80.75, -78.625] - [62, 66, -76.125, -75.25] - [13.625, 20.875, -79.25, -78.5] - [168.5, 184.625, -83.375, -82.25] - [268.625, 280.75, -78.875, -76.75] - [0, 359.875, -90, -88.125] - - [302.25, 323.625, -80.75, -78.625] - [62, 66, -76.125, -75.25] - [13.625, 20.875, -79.25, -78.5] - [168.5, 184.625, -83.375, -82.25] - [268.625, 280.75, -78.875, -76.75] - [0, 359.875, -90, -88.125] - - [302.25, 323.625, -80.75, -78.625] - [62, 66, -76.125, -75.25] - [13.625, 20.875, -79.25, -78.5] - [168.5, 184.625, -83.375, -82.25] - [268.625, 280.75, -78.875, -76.75] - [0, 359.875, -90, -88.125] - - [121.625, 176.125, -46.25, -21.75] - [0, 359.875, 80, 90] - [180, 200, 0, 10] - [355, 365, -5, 5] - [170, 190, -60, -40] - [305, 325, -60, -30] - [280, 300, 16.125, 36.125] - [4.75, 27.625, -52, -44.375] - [75, 89, -39, -34.375] - [115, 132.5, 21, 25.5] - type: STR_ANTARCTICA cost: 900000 areas: - [0, 360, 60, 90] regionWeight: 4 missionWeights: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH: 25 STR_ALIEN_BASE: 35 missionZones: # lonMin lonMax latMin latMax - - [291.125, 296.25, 68.25, 70.5] - [129.625, 152.75, 69.75, 73.625] - - [77, 108.125, 62.125, 76.125] - [340.75, 408.5, 57.25, 72.75] - [104.375, 148.875, 49.625, 66.25] - [175.75, 257.125, 55.625, 73.625] - [0, 359.875, 85, 90] - - [291.125, 296.25, 68.25, 70.5] - [129.625, 152.75, 69.75, 73.625] - [6.625, 35.125, 72.875, 77] - [148.125, 154.75, 70, 72.75] - [0, 359.875, 87.5, 90] - - [291.125, 296.25, 68.25, 70.5] - [129.625, 152.75, 69.75, 73.625] - [6.625, 35.125, 72.875, 77] - [148.125, 154.75, 70, 72.75] - [0, 359.875, 87.5, 90] - - [291.125, 296.25, 68.25, 70.5] - [129.625, 152.75, 69.75, 73.625] - [6.625, 35.125, 72.875, 77] - [148.125, 154.75, 70, 72.75] - [0, 359.875, 87.5, 90] - - [121.625, 176.125, -46.25, -21.75] - [195.75, 238, -29, 2] - [180, 200, 0, 10] - [355, 365, -5, 5] - [170, 190, -60, -40] - [305, 325, -60, -30] - [280, 300, 16.125, 36.125] - [4.75, 27.625, -52, -44.375] - [75, 89, -39, -34.375] - [115, 132.5, 21, 25.5] - type: STR_SOUTH_AMERICA cost: 600000 areas: - [270, 315, -10, 0] - [275, 330, 0, 15] - [275, 325, 15, 60] cities: - name: STR_BRASILIA lon: 312.125 lat: 15.75 - name: STR_BOGOTA lon: 285.875 lat: -4.5 - name: STR_BUENOS_AIRES lon: 302.5 lat: 34.5 - name: STR_SANTIAGO lon: 289.375 lat: 33.375 - name: STR_RIO_DE_JANEIRO lon: 316.875 lat: 22.875 - name: STR_LIMA lon: 283 lat: 12 - name: STR_CARACAS lon: 293.125 lat: -10.5 regionWeight: 10 missionWeights: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH: 10 STR_ALIEN_HARVEST: 24 STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION: 12 STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION: 18 STR_ALIEN_BASE: 22 missionZones: - - [280.375, 297.625, -11.875, -4.125] - [279.125, 301.375, -1, 7.75] - [305.5, 323.75, 0.875, 11] - [281.625, 292.25, 10.75, 26.625] - [302, 314.375, 22.75, 31.875] - [289.125, 297.75, 38.5, 49.5] - [281.375, 303.75, 48, 56.125] - - [312.875, 320.25, 6.25, 11.5] - [290.75, 293.75, -8.625, -6.125] - [290.5, 294.375, 28.875, 31.5] - [303, 312.75, 21.75, 24.5] - - [284.25, 289.75, -8.375, -6.5] - [305.375, 312, 13.25, 16.125] - [289.875, 294.625, 34.625, 37.625] - [287.875, 292.25, 47.25, 49.25] - [299.5, 301.125, 51.375, 51.875] - - [290.125, 305.5, 1.5, 7.625] - [285.875, 289.5, 13.625, 15.625] - [290, 294.125, 41.25, 44.875] - [289.375, 294.125, 22.875, 27.125] - - [0, 359.875, -90, -80] - [0, 359.875, 80, 90] - [180, 200, 0, 10] - [355, 365, -5, 5] - [170, 190, -60, -40] - [21.5, 51.75, -31.875, -15.875] - [238.625, 258.625, -53.375, -33.375] - [4.75, 27.625, -52, -44.375] - [75, 89, -39, -34.375] - [115, 132.5, 21, 25.5] - type: STR_EUROPE cost: 1000000 areas: - [335, 60, -70, -35] cities: - name: STR_LONDON lon: 359.875 lat: -51.5 - name: STR_PARIS lon: 2.375 lat: -48.75 - name: STR_BERLIN lon: 13.375 lat: -52.5 - name: STR_MOSCOW lon: 37.625 lat: -55.75 - name: STR_ROME lon: 12.5 lat: -41.875 - name: STR_MADRID lon: 356.25 lat: -40.375 - name: STR_BUDAPEST lon: 19.125 lat: -47.5 regionWeight: 16 missionWeights: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH: 10 STR_ALIEN_HARVEST: 10 STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION: 15 STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION: 20 STR_ALIEN_BASE: 6 missionZones: # lonMin lonMax latMin latMax - - [334, 396.125, -66.125, -58.125] - [348, 361.875, -59.375, -49.375] - [9.125, 27.75, -43.875, -37.875] - [17.125, 50.25, -53.75, -48] - [346.875, 363.5, -45.125, -38.5] - - [356.5, 360.25, -53, -51.875] - [352.75, 357.5, -41.625, -39.125] - [3.625, 12.5, -49.625, -48.25] - [19.125, 24.75, -47.875, -45.5] - - [338.5, 341.5, -65.25, -64] - [354.25, 355.75, -57.5, -56.625] - [8.625, 10.375, -57, -56] - [17.125, 27.875, -45.75, -43.125] - [352.625, 358.875, -39.375, -37.75] - - [355.875, 357.25, -57.625, -57] - [17.5, 29, -69.375, -67.625] - [351.625, 353.25, -40.125, -38] - [45.625, 51.5, -49.5, -47] - [13.625, 26.625, -52.375, -47.625] - - [0, 359.875, -90, -80] - [0, 359.875, 80, 90] - [180, 200, 0, 10] - [282.25, 322.875, 9.375, 38.375] - [9.375, 45.375, -1, 35.75] - [21.5, 51.75, -31.875, -15.875] - [238.625, 258.625, -53.375, -33.375] - [64.5, 125.5, -55.5, -44] - [72.875, 105.25, -25, -11.75] - [115, 132.5, 21, 25.5] - type: STR_NORTH_AFRICA cost: 650000 areas: - [335, 40, -35, -15] - [335, 55, -15, 0] cities: - name: STR_LAGOS lon: 3.125 lat: -6.5 - name: STR_CAIRO lon: 31.25 lat: -30 - name: STR_CASABLANCA lon: 352.375 lat: -33.5 regionWeight: 12 missionWeights: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH: 8 STR_ALIEN_HARVEST: 8 STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION: 8 STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION: 8 STR_ALIEN_BASE: 19 missionZones: - - [348.5, 384.5, -34.5, -25] - [339.625, 365.75, -18.375, -4.75] - [13, 48.5, -14.625, -7.25] - [29.625, 50.125, -30.75, -17.25] - - [354.25, 365.125, -34.5, -32.875] - [345.625, 360.25, -13.875, -11.25] - [29.5, 41.25, -13.25, -5.25] - [20.625, 24.625, -32.125, -31.125] - - [348.625, 358.75, -27.125, -20.125] - [23.375, 40.125, -13.75, -3.875] - [348, 357.125, -10.75, -7.5] - [2.25, 8.5, -35.875, -34.625] - - [5.625, 9, -6.125, -5] - [15.75, 31.75, -26.125, -18.75] - [350.375, 355.625, -8.375, -6.125] - [348.125, 357.375, -26, -19] - - [0, 359.875, -90, -80] - [0, 359.875, 80, 90] - [180, 200, 0, 10] - [282.25, 322.875, 9.375, 38.375] - [66, 102, 2.625, 39.375] - [354.5, 393.375, -56.625, -46.375] - [238.625, 258.625, -53.375, -33.375] - [64.5, 125.5, -55.5, -44] - [72.875, 105.25, -25, -11.75] - [115, 132.5, 21, 25.5] - type: STR_SOUTHERN_AFRICA cost: 550000 areas: - [5, 55, 0, 40] cities: - name: STR_PRETORIA lon: 28.125 lat: 26.25 - name: STR_NAIROBI lon: 36.75 lat: 1.25 - name: STR_CAPE_TOWN lon: 18.5 lat: 34 - name: STR_KINSHASA lon: 15.375 lat: 4.375 regionWeight: 8 missionWeights: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH: 7 STR_ALIEN_HARVEST: 8 STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION: 8 STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION: 8 STR_ALIEN_BASE: 9 missionZones: - - [7.125, 27, -0.375, 7.625] - [40.875, 56.625, 12, 30.625] - [11.25, 37, 21.75, 35.875] - [27, 45.375, -3.875, 11] - - [19.875, 24.25, 28.5, 31.25] - [44.75, 48.75, 16.875, 21.375] - [14.125, 20.625, 6.125, 10.875] - [13.375, 21.375, 16.625, 20.5] - - [12.375, 23.25, -1.5, 4.625] - [30.5, 38.375, 11.625, 16.75] - [17.75, 29.75, 26.25, 29.875] - [45, 48.75, 16.25, 18.75] - - [17.125, 23.25, 22.75, 27.125] - [12, 26.875, -2.625, 4] - [48.5, 49.875, 15.25, 17] - [31.25, 36.75, 12.25, 15.625] - - [0, 359.875, -90, -80] - [0, 359.875, 80, 90] - [180, 200, 0, 10] - [282.25, 322.875, 9.375, 38.375] - [66, 102, 2.625, 39.375] - [354.5, 393.375, -56.625, -46.375] - [238.625, 258.625, -53.375, -33.375] - [64.5, 125.5, -55.5, -44] - [72.875, 105.25, -25, -11.75] - [115, 132.5, 21, 25.5] - type: STR_CENTRAL_ASIA cost: 500000 areas: - [40, 70, -35, -15] - [60, 90, -50, -35] - [70, 90, -35, -5] cities: - name: STR_ANKARA lon: 32.75 lat: -39.875 - name: STR_DELHI lon: 77.25 lat: -28.625 - name: STR_KARACHI lon: 67 lat: -24.875 - name: STR_BAGHDAD lon: 44.5 lat: -33.25 - name: STR_TEHRAN lon: 51.5 lat: -35.625 - name: STR_BOMBAY lon: 73.125 lat: -18.875 - name: STR_CALCUTTA lon: 88.375 lat: -22.625 regionWeight: 12 missionWeights: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH: 5 STR_ALIEN_HARVEST: 5 STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION: 6 STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION: 10 STR_ALIEN_BASE: 8 missionZones: - - [39.5, 53.125, -27.625, -16.125] - [46.75, 65.25, -36.75, -29.75] - [69.75, 86.625, -24.125, -5.25] - [27.875, 49.25, -40.375, -35.625] - [67.25, 86, -45.875, -31.5] - - [38.25, 47, -38.625, -35] - [74.25, 79.75, -20.125, -15.375] - [65.5, 70.25, -36.375, -31.875] - [62.25, 80.625, -49.25, -46] - - [33.625, 47, -39.5, -37.875] - [79.875, 81.125, -8.25, -6.875] - [66.75, 81.5, -46.125, -43.5] - [77.875, 89.375, -27, -23.375] - - [42.375, 52.125, -23.5, -18.375] - [77.75, 84.875, -36, -32.75] - [80.75, 84.875, -22.875, -20.625] - [80.125, 81.625, -7.375, -6.75] - - [0, 359.875, -90, -80] - [0, 359.875, 80, 90] - [180, 200, 0, 10] - [282.25, 322.875, 9.375, 38.375] - [66, 102, 2.625, 39.375] - [354.5, 393.375, -56.625, -46.375] - [238.625, 258.625, -53.375, -33.375] - [7.5, 38.625, 4.125, 18.625] - [137.125, 169.5, -54, -40.75] - [115, 132.5, 21, 25.5] - type: STR_SOUTH_EAST_ASIA cost: 750000 areas: - [90, 105, -50, 10] - [105, 150, -50, -5] cities: - name: STR_TOKYO lon: 139.75 lat: -35.625 - name: STR_BEIJING lon: 116.375 lat: -39.875 - name: STR_BANGKOK lon: 100.625 lat: -13.625 - name: STR_MANILA lon: 121 lat: -14.625 - name: STR_SEOUL lon: 127 lat: -37.5 - name: STR_SINGAPORE lon: 103.875 lat: -1.375 - name: STR_JAKARTA lon: 106.75 lat: 6.25 - name: STR_SHANGHAI lon: 121.5 lat: -31.25 - name: STR_HONG_KONG lon: 114.125 lat: -22.25 regionWeight: 15 missionWeights: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH: 8 STR_ALIEN_HARVEST: 13 STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION: 21 STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION: 13 STR_ALIEN_BASE: 8 missionZones: - - [90.125, 108.25, -36.625, -22.625] - [93.125, 124.75, -16.375, 6.75] - [113.75, 143, -40, -20.75] - [115.125, 148, -54.5, -39.625] - - [92.875, 102.5, -36.5, -31.125] - [100.625, 106.375, -16.75, -13.625] - [113.75, 129.375, -46.625, -41.375] - [91.625, 104.75, -49.5, -46.875] - - [111.125, 117.5, -2, -0.375] - [141, 143.75, -44.125, -42.625] - [127, 137, -48.5, -45] - [101.25, 111.875, -43.875, -37.875] - - [100.625, 103.125, -0.375, 0.75] - [96.125, 104.75, -42.625, -39] - [142.125, 143.875, -51.25, -49.125] - [122.875, 123.625, -8.375, -7.875] - - [0, 359.875, -90, -80] - [0, 359.875, 80, 90] - [180, 200, 0, 10] - [282.25, 322.875, 9.375, 38.375] - [53.125, 89.125, 4.5, 41.25] - [354.5, 393.375, -56.625, -46.375] - [238.625, 258.625, -53.375, -33.375] - [7.5, 38.625, 4.125, 18.625] - [50.5, 82.875, -64.5, -51.25] - [115, 132.5, 21, 25.5] - type: STR_SIBERIA cost: 800000 areas: - [60, 180, -70, -50] cities: - name: STR_NOVOSIBIRSK lon: 82.75 lat: -55 regionWeight: 10 missionWeights: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH: 6 STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION: 4 STR_ALIEN_BASE: 9 missionZones: - - [49.875, 80.125, -66.75, -46.5] - [67.25, 188.75, -72.5, -57.75] - [86.25, 164.25, -61.75, -52.875] - [65, 85.125, -52.25, -49.25] - - [63.125, 78.375, -66.5, -62] - [157.75, 162.5, -57.25, -55.625] - [166.125, 181.25, -68.625, -66] - [99.625, 139.125, -66.125, -58.125] - - [53.25, 66.625, -64.875, -61] - [86, 97.75, -73.25, -68.875] - [125.875, 141.5, -64.25, -59.5] - [91.375, 108.875, -61.375, -57.375] - - [63.125, 78.375, -66.5, -62] - [157.75, 162.5, -57.25, -55.625] - [166.125, 181.25, -68.625, -66] - [99.625, 139.125, -66.125, -58.125] - - [0, 359.875, -90, -80] - [0, 359.875, 80, 90] - [180, 200, 0, 10] - [282.25, 322.875, 9.375, 38.375] - [53.125, 89.125, 4.5, 41.25] - [354.5, 393.375, -56.625, -46.375] - [238.625, 258.625, -53.375, -33.375] - [7.5, 38.625, 4.125, 18.625] - [91.875, 124.25, -30.75, -17.5] - [115, 132.5, 21, 25.5] - type: STR_AUSTRALASIA cost: 750000 areas: - [105, 180, -5, 60] cities: - name: STR_CANBERRA lon: 149.125 lat: 35.375 - name: STR_WELLINGTON lon: 175.125 lat: 41.25 - name: STR_MELBOURNE lon: 145 lat: 37.875 - name: STR_PERTH lon: 115.75 lat: 32 regionWeight: 10 missionWeights: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH: 15 STR_ALIEN_HARVEST: 11 STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION: 4 STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION: 8 STR_ALIEN_BASE: 16 missionZones: - - [129.625, 155.375, -1.875, 9.75] - [165.75, 179.5, 33.125, 47.125] - [136.125, 153.25, 11.5, 46] - [109, 134.75, 13.375, 35.125] - - [115.75, 123.125, 30.375, 33.125] - [129.875, 134.25, 14, 16.5] - [141.125, 147, 29.875, 32.75] - [175, 177, 37.875, 39.375] - - [138.125, 144.125, 2.5, 5] - [145.625, 147.625, 41, 41.75] - [168.5, 170.375, 44.25, 45.25] - [141.375, 150.125, 32.875, 36.375] - - [122.25, 135.375, 21, 27.5] - [149.875, 151.25, 4.75, 5.5] - [140.875, 143.625, 8.125, 8.875] - [145.75, 147.625, 41, 41.625] - - [0, 359.875, -90, -80] - [0, 359.875, 80, 90] - [180, 200, 0, 10] - [282.25, 322.875, 9.375, 38.375] - [53.125, 89.125, 4.5, 41.25] - [354.5, 393.375, -56.625, -46.375] - [238.625, 258.625, -53.375, -33.375] - [7.5, 38.625, 4.125, 18.625] - [91.875, 124.25, -30.75, -17.5] - [62.125, 101.375, -66.625, -57.125] - type: STR_PACIFIC cost: 600000 areas: - [180, 195, -70, -55] - [180, 230, -55, -30] - [180, 240, -30, -10] - [180, 270, -10, -0] - [180, 275, 0, 60] - [150, 180, -50, -5] regionWeight: 5 missionWeights: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH: 15 STR_ALIEN_BASE: 27 missionZones: - - [209.125, 209.625, -19.875, -19.375] - [207, 207.125, -21.625, -21.5] - - [194.5, 225.625, -29.25, -15.25] - [172.5, 186.875, 10.875, 26.375] - [158.375, 171.375, 12.25, 27.75] - [202.625, 245.625, -2.25, 18.375] - - [209.125, 209.625, -19.875, -19.375] - [207, 207.125, -21.625, -21.5] - [177.75, 178.25, 17.5, 17.875] - [164.625, 164.75, 20.5, 20.75] - - [209.125, 209.625, -19.875, -19.375] - [207, 207.125, -21.625, -21.5] - [177.75, 178.25, 17.5, 17.875] - [164.625, 164.75, 20.5, 20.75] - - [209.125, 209.625, -19.875, -19.375] - [207, 207.125, -21.625, -21.5] - [177.75, 178.25, 17.5, 17.875] - [164.625, 164.75, 20.5, 20.75] - - [0, 359.875, -90, -80] - [0, 359.875, 80, 90] - [119.625, 139.625, 19.25, 29.25] - [282.25, 322.875, 9.375, 38.375] - [53.125, 89.125, 4.5, 41.25] - [354.5, 393.375, -56.625, -46.375] - [238.625, 258.625, -53.375, -33.375] - [7.5, 38.625, 4.125, 18.625] - [91.875, 124.25, -30.75, -17.5] - [62.125, 101.375, -66.625, -57.125] - type: STR_NORTH_ATLANTIC cost: 500000 missionRegion: STR_NORTH_AMERICA areas: - [305, 335, -70, -30] - [300, 335, -30, -10] - [315, 335, -10, 0] - type: STR_SOUTH_ATLANTIC cost: 500000 missionRegion: STR_ANTARCTICA areas: - [330, 5, 0, 15] - [325, 5, 15, 60] - [5, 55, 40, 60] - type: STR_INDIAN_OCEAN cost: 500000 missionRegion: STR_SOUTHERN_AFRICA areas: - [55, 70, -15, 10] - [70, 90, -5, 10] - [55, 105, 10, 60] facilities: - type: STR_ACCESS_LIFT spriteShape: 2 spriteFacility: 17 lift: true buildCost: 300000 buildTime: 1 monthlyCost: 4000 mapName: XBASE_00 - type: STR_LIVING_QUARTERS spriteShape: 1 spriteFacility: 18 buildCost: 400000 buildTime: 16 monthlyCost: 10000 personnel: 50 mapName: XBASE_01 - type: STR_LABORATORY spriteShape: 1 spriteFacility: 19 buildCost: 750000 buildTime: 26 monthlyCost: 30000 labs: 50 mapName: XBASE_02 - type: STR_WORKSHOP spriteShape: 1 spriteFacility: 20 buildCost: 800000 buildTime: 32 monthlyCost: 35000 workshops: 50 mapName: XBASE_03 - type: STR_SMALL_RADAR_SYSTEM spriteShape: 2 spriteFacility: 21 buildCost: 500000 buildTime: 12 monthlyCost: 10000 radarRange: 1500 radarChance: 10 mapName: XBASE_04 - type: STR_LARGE_RADAR_SYSTEM spriteShape: 1 spriteFacility: 22 buildCost: 800000 buildTime: 25 monthlyCost: 15000 radarRange: 2250 radarChance: 20 mapName: XBASE_05 - type: STR_MISSILE_DEFENSES spriteShape: 2 spriteFacility: 23 buildCost: 200000 buildTime: 16 monthlyCost: 5000 defense: 500 hitRatio: 50 fireSound: 5 hitSound: 10 mapName: XBASE_06 - type: STR_GENERAL_STORES spriteShape: 1 spriteFacility: 24 buildCost: 150000 buildTime: 10 monthlyCost: 5000 storage: 50 mapName: XBASE_07 - type: STR_ALIEN_CONTAINMENT spriteShape: 1 spriteFacility: 25 buildCost: 400000 buildTime: 18 monthlyCost: 15000 aliens: 10 mapName: XBASE_08 - type: STR_LASER_DEFENSES requires: - STR_LASER_DEFENSE spriteShape: 3 spriteFacility: 26 buildCost: 400000 buildTime: 24 monthlyCost: 10000 defense: 600 hitRatio: 60 fireSound: 8 hitSound: 10 mapName: XBASE_09 - type: STR_PLASMA_DEFENSES requires: - STR_PLASMA_DEFENSE spriteShape: 3 spriteFacility: 27 buildCost: 600000 buildTime: 34 monthlyCost: 12000 defense: 900 hitRatio: 70 fireSound: 9 hitSound: 10 mapName: XBASE_10 - type: STR_FUSION_BALL_DEFENSES requires: - STR_FUSION_DEFENSE spriteShape: 3 spriteFacility: 28 buildCost: 800000 buildTime: 34 monthlyCost: 14000 defense: 1200 hitRatio: 80 fireSound: 7 hitSound: 10 mapName: XBASE_11 - type: STR_GRAV_SHIELD requires: - STR_GRAV_SHIELD grav: true spriteShape: 2 spriteFacility: 29 buildCost: 1200000 buildTime: 38 monthlyCost: 15000 mapName: XBASE_12 - type: STR_MIND_SHIELD requires: - STR_MIND_SHIELD mind: true spriteShape: 2 spriteFacility: 30 buildCost: 1300000 buildTime: 33 monthlyCost: 5000 mapName: XBASE_13 - type: STR_PSIONIC_LABORATORY requires: - STR_PSI_LAB spriteShape: 1 spriteFacility: 31 buildCost: 750000 buildTime: 24 monthlyCost: 16000 psiLabs: 10 mapName: XBASE_14 - type: STR_HYPER_WAVE_DECODER requires: - STR_HYPER_WAVE_DECODER hyper: true spriteShape: 2 spriteFacility: 32 buildCost: 1400000 buildTime: 26 monthlyCost: 30000 radarRange: 2400 radarChance: 100 mapName: XBASE_15 - type: STR_HANGAR spriteShape: 9 spriteFacility: 9 size: 2 buildCost: 200000 buildTime: 25 monthlyCost: 25000 crafts: 1 mapName: XBASE_16 crafts: - type: STR_SKYRANGER sprite: 0 fuelMax: 1500 damageMax: 150 speedMax: 760 accel: 2 soldiers: 14 vehicles: 3 costBuy: 500000 costRent: 500000 refuelRate: 50 transferTime: 72 score: 200 battlescapeTerrainData: name: PLANE mapDataSets: - BLANKS - PLANE mapBlocks: - name: PLANE width: 10 length: 20 - type: STR_INTERCEPTOR sprite: 3 fuelMax: 1000 damageMax: 100 speedMax: 2100 accel: 3 weapons: 2 costBuy: 600000 costRent: 600000 refuelRate: 50 transferTime: 96 score: 250 - type: STR_FIRESTORM requires: - STR_NEW_FIGHTER_CRAFT sprite: 4 fuelMax: 20 damageMax: 500 speedMax: 4200 accel: 9 weapons: 2 refuelItem: STR_ELERIUM_115 refuelRate: 5 score: 250 - type: STR_LIGHTNING requires: - STR_NEW_FIGHTER_TRANSPORTER sprite: 1 fuelMax: 30 damageMax: 800 speedMax: 3100 accel: 9 weapons: 1 soldiers: 12 refuelItem: STR_ELERIUM_115 refuelRate: 5 score: 300 battlescapeTerrainData: name: LIGHTNIN mapDataSets: - BLANKS - LIGHTNIN mapBlocks: - name: LIGHTNIN width: 20 length: 10 - type: STR_AVENGER requires: - STR_ULTIMATE_CRAFT sprite: 2 fuelMax: 60 damageMax: 1200 speedMax: 5400 accel: 10 weapons: 2 soldiers: 26 vehicles: 4 refuelItem: STR_ELERIUM_115 refuelRate: 5 score: 400 spacecraft: true battlescapeTerrainData: name: AVENGER mapDataSets: - BLANKS - AVENGER mapBlocks: - name: AVENGER width: 10 length: 20 craftWeapons: - type: STR_STINGRAY sprite: 0 sound: 5 damage: 70 range: 30 accuracy: 70 reloadCautious: 32 reloadStandard: 24 reloadAggressive: 16 ammoMax: 6 launcher: STR_STINGRAY_LAUNCHER clip: STR_STINGRAY_MISSILES projectileType: 0 projectileSpeed: 8 - type: STR_AVALANCHE sprite: 1 sound: 5 damage: 100 range: 60 accuracy: 80 reloadCautious: 48 reloadStandard: 36 reloadAggressive: 24 ammoMax: 3 launcher: STR_AVALANCHE_LAUNCHER clip: STR_AVALANCHE_MISSILES projectileType: 1 projectileSpeed: 8 - type: STR_CANNON_UC sprite: 2 sound: 4 damage: 10 range: 10 accuracy: 25 reloadCautious: 2 reloadStandard: 2 reloadAggressive: 2 ammoMax: 200 rearmRate: 50 launcher: STR_CANNON clip: STR_CANNON_ROUNDS_X50 projectileType: 2 projectileSpeed: 8 - type: STR_LASER_CANNON_UC sprite: 4 sound: 8 damage: 70 range: 21 accuracy: 35 reloadCautious: 12 reloadStandard: 12 reloadAggressive: 12 ammoMax: 99 rearmRate: 99 launcher: STR_LASER_CANNON projectileType: 4 - type: STR_PLASMA_BEAM_UC sprite: 5 sound: 9 damage: 140 range: 52 accuracy: 50 reloadCautious: 12 reloadStandard: 12 reloadAggressive: 12 ammoMax: 100 rearmRate: 100 launcher: STR_PLASMA_BEAM projectileType: 5 - type: STR_FUSION_BALL_UC sprite: 3 sound: 7 damage: 230 range: 65 accuracy: 100 reloadCautious: 32 reloadStandard: 24 reloadAggressive: 16 ammoMax: 2 launcher: STR_FUSION_BALL_LAUNCHER clip: STR_FUSION_BALL projectileType: 3 projectileSpeed: 8 items: # Item Definitions: # - type: Internal item name, reference to string defined in .lng, must be unique. (string) # name: used to replace type name, if defined (string) # requires: this corresponds to a research entry, if one is defined, then that research is required to use this item (string) # size: How much space this item takes up in storage. (float) (default 0.0) # costBuy: Cost in purchase menu. undefined/0 = cannot buy. (int) (default 0) # costSell: Value in sell menu. undefined/0 = cannot sell. (int) (default 0) # transferTime: time (in hours) to transfer this item (int) (default factor of distance vs weight) # weight: Weight penalty to soldiers carrying this item. (int) (default 0) # bigSprite: Sprite reference in BigObs.pck. -1 for none. values higher than 56 will be considered additions rather than replacements, # and will be indexed internally to avoid conflicts. (int) (default -1) ( # floorSprite: Sprite reference in FloorOb.pck. -1 for none. values higher than 72 will be considered additions rather than replacements, # and will be indexed internally to avoid conflicts. (int) (default -1) ( # handSprite: Sprite reference in HandOb.pck. -1 for none. values higher than 128 will be considered additions rather than replacements, # and will be indexed internally to avoid conflicts. (int) (default -1) ( # bulletSprite: Projectile sprite. (int) 0 = rocket, 1 = pistol bullet, 2 = rifle bullet, 3 = auto cannon bullet, # 4 = heavy cannon bullet, 5 = small laser, 6 = laser rifle, 7 = heavy laser, 8 = plasma, 9 = small launcher, 10 = blaster launcher # note: if you are adding a new projectile (for example 11), its corresponding sprite definition must be 35 times this number # (so for projectile 11, you'd need to define the extraSprites 385+) # fireSound: Sound effect Reference in -1 for none. values higher than 54 will be considered additions rather than replacements, # and will be indexed internally to avoid conflicts. (int) (default -1) ( # hitSound: Sound effect Reference in -1 for none. values higher than 54 will be considered additions rather than replacements, # and will be indexed internally to avoid conflicts. (int) (default -1) ( # hitAnimation: reference in smoke.pck for "hit" explosion. values higher than 54 will be considered additions rather than replacements, # and will be indexed internally to avoid conflicts. (0-2 * 18) (int) ( # NOTE - melee and psi-amp weapons use HIT.PCK instead, DO NOT define a hitAnimation for these types. # power: average damage of the weapon, in most cases, the damage will be +- 50% (int) # compatibleAmmo: # - Name of ammo item 1 # - Name of ammo item 2 # - etc. # damageType: What kind of damage does this do? (int) # 0 = NONE, 1 = ARMOR PIERCING, 2 = INCENDIARY, 3 = HIGH EXPLOSIVE, 4 = LASER, 5 = PLASMA, # 6 = STUN, 7 = MELEE, 8 = ACID, 9 = SMOKE # accuracyAuto: Auto-Shot accuracy, as a percentage, affected by the unit's firing skill. (int) # accuracySnap: Snap-Shot accuracy, as a percentage, affected by the unit's firing skill. (int) # accuracyAimed: Aimed-Shot accuracy, as a percentage, affected by the unit's firing skill. (int) # tuAuto: Auto-Shot time unit usage, as a percentage of the firing unit's TU. (int) # tuSnap: Snap-Shot time unit usage, as a percentage of the firing unit's TU. (int) # tuAimed: Aimed-Shot time unit usage, as a percentage of the firing unit's TU. (int) # clipSize: How many bullets in this clip? -1 for infinite. (int) (default 0) # accuracyMelee: Melee accuracy, as a percentage, affected by the unit's melee skill. (int) # tuMelee: Melee time unit usage, as a percentage of the attacking unit's TU. (int) # battleType: What kind of item is this? (int) (default 0) # 0 = NONE, 1 = FIREARM, 2 = AMMO, 3 = MELEE, 4 = GRENADE, 5 = PROXIMITYGRENADE, 6 = MEDIKIT, # 7 = SCANNER, 8 = MINDPROBE, 9 = PSIAMP, 10 = FLARE, 11 = CORPSE # twoHanded: Is this a two-handed weapon. (boolean) (default false) # waypoint: Does this weapon use waypoints or direct fire? (boolean) (default false) # fixedWeapon: can this item be dropped? (boolean) (default true) # invWidth: Width of this item in the inventory screen. (int) (default 1) # invHeight: Height of this item in the inventory screen. (int) (default 1) # painKiller: 10 # heal: 10 # stimulant: 10 # healAmount: 1 # healthAmount: 3 # stun: 4 # energy: 10 # tuUse: TU usage for "special" actions, ie: psi-amp. flat TU cost. (int) (default 0) # recoveryPoints: How many points does XCom get for recovering this item? (int) (default 0) # armor: How much damage is needed to destoy this item on the ground. (int) (default 0) # recover: Tally this item for end of mission results? (boolean) (default false) # turretType: Which turret number to use for this tank (0-4) (int) ( # liveAlien: Does this require containment? (boolean) (default false) # blastRadius: How big of an explosion does this cause? 0 for none. (int) (default -1, meaning "use formula") # flatRate: Does using this weapon charge a flat rate for TU usage? (boolean) (default false) # arcingShot: Does this weapon fire in an arc? (boolean) (default false) # attraction: Represents how likely an alien is to pick this up. values below 5 will be ignored (by design) (int) (default 0) # listOrder: Where in the lists should this item appear? (int) (default: 100 higher than the previous item that was defined, starting at 100) # maxRange: The maximum range at which this weapon can operate, 0 for "no limit" (int) (default 0) # bulletSpeed: how much faster (or slower, if you use a negative number) is a projectile fired from this weapon # compared to the average? (int) (default 0) # - type: STR_STINGRAY_LAUNCHER size: 0.8 costBuy: 16000 costSell: 12000 transferTime: 48 - type: STR_AVALANCHE_LAUNCHER size: 1 costBuy: 17000 costSell: 12750 transferTime: 48 - type: STR_CANNON size: 1.5 costBuy: 30000 costSell: 22500 transferTime: 48 - type: STR_FUSION_BALL_LAUNCHER size: 2.0 costSell: 281000 transferTime: 48 - type: STR_LASER_CANNON size: 2.0 costSell: 211000 transferTime: 48 - type: STR_PLASMA_BEAM size: 1.2 costSell: 267300 transferTime: 48 - type: STR_STINGRAY_MISSILES size: 0.4 costBuy: 3000 costSell: 2400 transferTime: 48 - type: STR_AVALANCHE_MISSILES size: 1.5 costBuy: 9000 costSell: 7200 transferTime: 48 - type: STR_CANNON_ROUNDS_X50 size: 0 costBuy: 1240 costSell: 1012 transferTime: 96 - type: STR_FUSION_BALL size: 0.6 costSell: 53300 transferTime: 48 - type: STR_TANK_CANNON size: 6 costBuy: 420000 costSell: 340000 transferTime: 96 weight: 1 bigSprite: 43 floorSprite: 0 handSprite: 0 bulletSprite: 4 fireSound: 2 compatibleAmmo: - STR_HWP_CANNON_SHELLS accuracySnap: 60 accuracyAimed: 90 tuSnap: 33 tuAimed: 80 battleType: 1 fixedWeapon: true invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 armor: 20 turretType: 0 - type: STR_HWP_CANNON_SHELLS size: 0.1 costBuy: 200 costSell: 100 transferTime: 48 weight: 1 bigSprite: -1 # It must be -1 to avoid putting it to the base-defense battlescape. Original value: 12 floorSprite: 12 hitSound: 13 hitAnimation: 26 power: 60 damageType: 1 clipSize: 30 battleType: 2 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 1 armor: 20 - type: STR_TANK_ROCKET_LAUNCHER size: 6 costBuy: 480000 costSell: 360000 transferTime: 96 weight: 1 bigSprite: 42 floorSprite: 0 handSprite: 0 bulletSprite: 0 fireSound: 52 compatibleAmmo: - STR_HWP_ROCKETS accuracySnap: 55 accuracyAimed: 115 tuSnap: 45 tuAimed: 75 battleType: 1 fixedWeapon: true invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 armor: 20 turretType: 1 - type: STR_HWP_ROCKETS size: 0.6 costBuy: 3000 costSell: 2250 transferTime: 48 weight: 1 bigSprite: -1 # It must be -1 to avoid putting it to the base-defense battlescape. Original value: 16 floorSprite: 16 hitSound: 0 hitAnimation: 0 power: 85 damageType: 3 clipSize: 8 battleType: 2 invWidth: 1 invHeight: 3 armor: 20 - type: STR_TANK_LASER_CANNON size: 6 costSell: 594000 transferTime: 96 weight: 1 bigSprite: 54 floorSprite: 0 handSprite: 0 bulletSprite: 5 fireSound: 11 hitSound: 19 hitAnimation: 36 power: 110 damageType: 4 accuracySnap: 50 accuracyAimed: 85 tuSnap: 33 tuAimed: 75 battleType: 1 fixedWeapon: true clipSize: -1 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 armor: 20 turretType: 2 - type: STR_HOVERTANK_PLASMA size: 6 costSell: 980000 transferTime: 96 weight: 1 bigSprite: 40 floorSprite: 0 handSprite: 0 bulletSprite: 8 fireSound: 18 hitSound: 19 power: 110 damageType: 5 hitAnimation: 46 accuracySnap: 85 accuracyAimed: 100 tuSnap: 30 tuAimed: 60 battleType: 1 fixedWeapon: true clipSize: -1 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 armor: 20 turretType: 3 - type: STR_HOVERTANK_LAUNCHER size: 6 costSell: 1043000 transferTime: 96 weight: 1 bigSprite: 40 floorSprite: 0 handSprite: 0 bulletSprite: 10 fireSound: 53 compatibleAmmo: - STR_HWP_FUSION_BOMB accuracyAimed: 100 tuAimed: 66 battleType: 1 fixedWeapon: true waypoint: true invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 armor: 20 turretType: 4 - type: STR_HWP_FUSION_BOMB size: 6 costSell: 31500 transferTime: 48 weight: 1 bigSprite: -1 # It must be -1 to avoid putting it to the base-defense battlescape. Original value: 36 floorSprite: 35 hitSound: 0 hitAnimation: 0 power: 140 damageType: 3 clipSize: 8 battleType: 2 invWidth: 1 invHeight: 1 armor: 20 blastRadius: 11 - type: STR_PISTOL size: 0.1 costBuy: 800 costSell: 600 weight: 5 bigSprite: 3 floorSprite: 3 handSprite: 96 bulletSprite: 1 fireSound: 4 compatibleAmmo: - STR_PISTOL_CLIP accuracySnap: 60 accuracyAimed: 78 tuSnap: 18 tuAimed: 30 battleType: 1 invWidth: 1 invHeight: 2 armor: 20 attraction: 1 - type: STR_PISTOL_CLIP size: 0.1 costBuy: 70 costSell: 52 weight: 3 bigSprite: 4 floorSprite: 4 hitSound: 22 hitAnimation: 26 power: 26 damageType: 1 clipSize: 12 battleType: 2 armor: 12 attraction: 1 - type: STR_RIFLE size: 0.2 costBuy: 3000 costSell: 2250 weight: 8 bigSprite: 1 floorSprite: 1 handSprite: 0 bulletSprite: 2 fireSound: 4 compatibleAmmo: - STR_RIFLE_CLIP accuracyAuto: 35 accuracySnap: 60 accuracyAimed: 110 tuAuto: 35 tuSnap: 25 tuAimed: 80 battleType: 1 twoHanded: true invWidth: 1 invHeight: 3 armor: 20 - type: STR_RIFLE_CLIP size: 0.1 costBuy: 200 costSell: 150 weight: 3 bigSprite: 2 floorSprite: 2 hitSound: 22 hitAnimation: 26 power: 30 damageType: 1 clipSize: 20 battleType: 2 armor: 20 - type: STR_HEAVY_CANNON size: 0.3 costBuy: 6400 costSell: 4800 weight: 18 bigSprite: 11 floorSprite: 11 handSprite: 24 bulletSprite: 4 fireSound: 2 compatibleAmmo: - STR_HC_AP_AMMO - STR_HC_HE_AMMO - STR_HC_I_AMMO accuracySnap: 60 accuracyAimed: 90 tuSnap: 33 tuAimed: 80 battleType: 1 twoHanded: true invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 armor: 20 - type: STR_HC_AP_AMMO size: 0.1 costBuy: 300 costSell: 225 weight: 6 bigSprite: 12 floorSprite: 12 hitSound: 13 hitAnimation: 26 power: 56 damageType: 1 clipSize: 6 battleType: 2 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 1 armor: 20 attraction: 1 - type: STR_HC_HE_AMMO size: 0.1 costBuy: 500 costSell: 275 weight: 6 bigSprite: 13 floorSprite: 13 hitSound: 0 hitAnimation: 0 power: 52 damageType: 3 clipSize: 6 battleType: 2 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 1 armor: 20 attraction: 1 - type: STR_HC_I_AMMO size: 0.1 costBuy: 400 costSell: 300 weight: 6 bigSprite: 14 floorSprite: 14 hitSound: 0 hitAnimation: 0 power: 60 damageType: 2 clipSize: 6 battleType: 2 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 1 armor: 20 attraction: 1 - type: STR_AUTO_CANNON size: 0.3 costBuy: 13500 costSell: 10125 weight: 19 bigSprite: 7 floorSprite: 7 handSprite: 32 bulletSprite: 3 fireSound: 2 compatibleAmmo: - STR_AC_AP_AMMO - STR_AC_HE_AMMO - STR_AC_I_AMMO accuracyAuto: 32 accuracySnap: 56 accuracyAimed: 82 tuAuto: 40 tuSnap: 33 tuAimed: 80 battleType: 1 twoHanded: true invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 armor: 20 - type: STR_AC_AP_AMMO size: 0.1 costBuy: 500 costSell: 400 weight: 5 bigSprite: 8 floorSprite: 8 hitSound: 13 hitAnimation: 26 power: 42 damageType: 1 clipSize: 14 battleType: 2 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 1 armor: 20 - type: STR_AC_HE_AMMO size: 0.1 costBuy: 700 costSell: 560 weight: 5 bigSprite: 9 floorSprite: 9 hitSound: 0 hitAnimation: 0 power: 44 damageType: 3 clipSize: 14 battleType: 2 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 1 armor: 20 - type: STR_AC_I_AMMO size: 0.1 costBuy: 650 costSell: 520 weight: 5 bigSprite: 10 floorSprite: 10 hitSound: 0 hitAnimation: 0 power: 42 damageType: 2 clipSize: 14 battleType: 2 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 1 armor: 20 attraction: 1 - type: STR_ROCKET_LAUNCHER size: 0.4 costBuy: 4000 costSell: 3000 weight: 10 bigSprite: 15 floorSprite: 15 handSprite: 72 bulletSprite: 0 fireSound: 52 compatibleAmmo: - STR_SMALL_ROCKET - STR_LARGE_ROCKET - STR_INCENDIARY_ROCKET accuracySnap: 55 accuracyAimed: 115 tuSnap: 45 tuAimed: 75 battleType: 1 twoHanded: true invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 armor: 20 - type: STR_SMALL_ROCKET size: 0.2 costBuy: 600 costSell: 480 weight: 6 bigSprite: 16 floorSprite: 16 hitSound: 0 hitAnimation: 0 power: 75 damageType: 3 clipSize: 1 battleType: 2 invWidth: 1 invHeight: 3 armor: 20 - type: STR_LARGE_ROCKET size: 0.2 costBuy: 900 costSell: 720 weight: 8 bigSprite: 17 floorSprite: 17 hitSound: 0 hitAnimation: 0 power: 100 damageType: 3 clipSize: 1 battleType: 2 invWidth: 1 invHeight: 3 armor: 20 - type: STR_INCENDIARY_ROCKET size: 0.2 costBuy: 1200 costSell: 960 weight: 8 bigSprite: 18 floorSprite: 18 hitSound: 0 hitAnimation: 0 power: 90 damageType: 2 clipSize: 1 battleType: 2 invWidth: 1 invHeight: 3 armor: 20 - type: STR_LASER_PISTOL size: 0.1 costSell: 20000 weight: 7 bigSprite: 5 floorSprite: 5 handSprite: 112 bulletSprite: 5 fireSound: 11 hitSound: 19 hitAnimation: 36 power: 46 damageType: 4 accuracyAuto: 28 accuracySnap: 40 accuracyAimed: 68 tuAuto: 25 tuSnap: 20 tuAimed: 55 clipSize: -1 battleType: 1 invWidth: 1 invHeight: 2 armor: 20 - type: STR_LASER_RIFLE size: 0.2 costSell: 36900 weight: 8 bigSprite: 0 floorSprite: 0 handSprite: 8 bulletSprite: 6 fireSound: 11 hitSound: 19 hitAnimation: 36 power: 60 damageType: 4 accuracyAuto: 46 accuracySnap: 65 accuracyAimed: 100 tuAuto: 34 tuSnap: 25 tuAimed: 50 clipSize: -1 battleType: 1 twoHanded: true invWidth: 1 invHeight: 3 armor: 20 - type: STR_HEAVY_LASER size: 0.3 costSell: 61000 weight: 18 bigSprite: 6 floorSprite: 6 handSprite: 16 bulletSprite: 7 fireSound: 11 hitSound: 19 hitAnimation: 36 power: 85 damageType: 4 accuracySnap: 50 accuracyAimed: 84 tuSnap: 33 tuAimed: 75 clipSize: -1 battleType: 1 twoHanded: true invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 armor: 20 - type: STR_GRENADE size: 0.1 costBuy: 300 costSell: 240 weight: 3 bigSprite: 19 floorSprite: 19 power: 50 damageType: 3 battleType: 4 armor: 20 blastRadius: 5 - type: STR_SMOKE_GRENADE size: 0.1 costBuy: 150 costSell: 120 weight: 3 bigSprite: 20 floorSprite: 20 power: 60 damageType: 9 battleType: 4 armor: 20 blastRadius: 5 - type: STR_PROXIMITY_GRENADE size: 0.1 costBuy: 500 costSell: 400 weight: 3 bigSprite: 21 floorSprite: 21 power: 70 damageType: 3 battleType: 5 armor: 20 blastRadius: 5 - type: STR_HIGH_EXPLOSIVE size: 0.25 costBuy: 1500 costSell: 1200 weight: 6 bigSprite: 22 floorSprite: 22 power: 110 damageType: 3 battleType: 4 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 1 armor: 20 blastRadius: 5 - type: STR_MOTION_SCANNER size: 0.1 costSell: 45600 weight: 3 bigSprite: 23 floorSprite: 23 battleType: 7 tuUse: 25 armor: 20 - type: STR_MEDI_KIT size: 0.1 costSell: 46500 weight: 5 bigSprite: 24 floorSprite: 24 battleType: 6 invWidth: 1 invHeight: 2 painKiller: 10 heal: 10 stimulant: 10 healAmount: 1 healthAmount: 3 stun: 4 energy: 10 tuUse: 10 flatRate: true armor: 20 - type: STR_PSI_AMP requires: - STR_PSI_AMP size: 0.1 costSell: 194700 weight: 10 bigSprite: 33 floorSprite: 32 handSprite: 88 hitSound: 36 battleType: 9 twoHanded: true invWidth: 1 invHeight: 3 tuUse: 25 flatRate: true armor: 20 - type: STR_STUN_ROD size: 0.1 costBuy: 1260 costSell: 945 weight: 6 bigSprite: 26 floorSprite: 26 handSprite: 80 hitSound: 54 power: 65 damageType: 6 accuracyMelee: 100 tuMelee: 30 battleType: 3 twoHanded: true invWidth: 1 invHeight: 3 armor: 20 - type: STR_ELECTRO_FLARE size: 0.1 costBuy: 60 costSell: 40 weight: 3 bigSprite: 55 floorSprite: 72 power: 15 battleType: 10 armor: 8 - type: STR_CORPSE weight: 22 bigSprite: 45 floorSprite: 39 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 armor: 20 recover: false - type: STR_CORPSE_ARMOR name: STR_CORPSE weight: 24 bigSprite: 28 floorSprite: 40 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 armor: 30 recover: false - type: STR_CORPSE_SUIT name: STR_CORPSE weight: 26 bigSprite: 44 floorSprite: 41 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 armor: 40 recover: false - type: STR_HEAVY_PLASMA requires: - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA size: 0.2 costSell: 171600 weight: 8 bigSprite: 30 floorSprite: 29 handSprite: 40 bulletSprite: 8 fireSound: 18 compatibleAmmo: - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP accuracyAuto: 50 accuracySnap: 75 accuracyAimed: 110 tuAuto: 35 tuSnap: 30 tuAimed: 60 battleType: 1 twoHanded: true invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 recoveryPoints: 5 armor: 50 attraction: 1 - type: STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP requires: - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP size: 0.3 costSell: 9590 weight: 3 bigSprite: 25 floorSprite: 33 hitSound: 19 hitAnimation: 46 power: 115 damageType: 5 clipSize: 35 battleType: 2 recoveryPoints: 1 armor: 20 attraction: 1 - type: STR_PLASMA_RIFLE requires: - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE size: 0.2 costSell: 126500 weight: 5 bigSprite: 31 floorSprite: 30 handSprite: 48 bulletSprite: 8 fireSound: 18 compatibleAmmo: - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP accuracyAuto: 55 accuracySnap: 86 accuracyAimed: 100 tuAuto: 36 tuSnap: 30 tuAimed: 60 battleType: 1 twoHanded: true invWidth: 1 invHeight: 3 recoveryPoints: 4 armor: 50 attraction: 1 - type: STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP requires: - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP size: 0.1 costSell: 6290 weight: 3 bigSprite: 41 floorSprite: 33 hitSound: 19 hitAnimation: 46 power: 80 damageType: 5 clipSize: 28 battleType: 2 recoveryPoints: 1 armor: 20 attraction: 1 - type: STR_PLASMA_PISTOL requires: - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL size: 0.1 costSell: 84000 weight: 3 bigSprite: 32 floorSprite: 31 handSprite: 104 bulletSprite: 8 fireSound: 18 compatibleAmmo: - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP accuracyAuto: 50 accuracySnap: 65 accuracyAimed: 85 tuAuto: 30 tuSnap: 30 tuAimed: 60 battleType: 1 invWidth: 1 invHeight: 2 recoveryPoints: 3 armor: 45 attraction: 1 - type: STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP requires: - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP size: 0.1 costSell: 4440 weight: 3 bigSprite: 34 floorSprite: 33 hitSound: 19 hitAnimation: 46 power: 52 damageType: 5 clipSize: 26 battleType: 2 recoveryPoints: 1 armor: 20 attraction: 1 - type: STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER requires: - STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER size: 0.3 costSell: 144000 weight: 16 bigSprite: 35 floorSprite: 34 handSprite: 56 bulletSprite: 10 fireSound: 53 compatibleAmmo: - STR_BLASTER_BOMB accuracyAimed: 120 tuAimed: 80 battleType: 1 twoHanded: true waypoint: true invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 recoveryPoints: 5 armor: 40 attraction: 1 - type: STR_BLASTER_BOMB requires: - STR_BLASTER_BOMB size: 0.2 costSell: 17028 weight: 3 bigSprite: 36 floorSprite: 35 hitSound: 0 hitAnimation: 0 power: 200 damageType: 3 clipSize: 1 battleType: 2 invWidth: 1 invHeight: 2 recoveryPoints: 1 armor: 20 blastRadius: 11 attraction: 1 - type: STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER requires: - STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER size: 0.2 costSell: 120000 weight: 10 bigSprite: 37 floorSprite: 36 handSprite: 64 bulletSprite: 9 fireSound: 53 compatibleAmmo: - STR_STUN_BOMB accuracySnap: 65 accuracyAimed: 110 tuSnap: 40 tuAimed: 75 battleType: 1 twoHanded: true invWidth: 2 invHeight: 2 recoveryPoints: 4 armor: 20 attraction: 1 - type: STR_STUN_BOMB requires: - STR_STUN_BOMB size: 0.1 costSell: 15200 weight: 3 bigSprite: 38 floorSprite: 37 hitSound: 0 hitAnimation: 0 power: 90 damageType: 6 clipSize: 1 battleType: 2 recoveryPoints: 1 armor: 20 attraction: 1 - type: STR_ALIEN_GRENADE requires: - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE size: 0.1 costSell: 14850 weight: 3 bigSprite: 39 floorSprite: 38 power: 90 damageType: 3 battleType: 4 recoveryPoints: 1 armor: 20 blastRadius: 5 attraction: 1 - type: STR_ELERIUM_115 size: 0.1 costSell: 5000 weight: 3 bigSprite: 56 floorSprite: 37 invWidth: 1 invHeight: 1 armor: 20 attraction: 4 - type: STR_MIND_PROBE requires: - STR_MIND_PROBE size: 0.1 costSell: 304000 weight: 5 bigSprite: 29 floorSprite: 28 hitSound: 37 battleType: 8 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 2 tuUse: 50 recoveryPoints: 1 armor: 20 attraction: 1 - type: STR_SECTOID_CORPSE size: 0.4 costSell: 20000 weight: 30 bigSprite: 46 floorSprite: 42 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 recoveryPoints: 5 battleType: 11 armor: 26 - type: STR_SNAKEMAN_CORPSE size: 0.4 costSell: 20000 weight: 40 bigSprite: 50 floorSprite: 46 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 recoveryPoints: 5 battleType: 11 armor: 26 - type: STR_ETHEREAL_CORPSE size: 0.4 costSell: 20000 weight: 25 bigSprite: 49 floorSprite: 45 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 recoveryPoints: 5 battleType: 11 armor: 26 - type: STR_MUTON_CORPSE size: 0.4 costSell: 20000 weight: 40 bigSprite: 48 floorSprite: 44 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 recoveryPoints: 5 battleType: 11 armor: 26 - type: STR_FLOATER_CORPSE size: 0.4 costSell: 20000 weight: 20 bigSprite: 52 floorSprite: 48 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 recoveryPoints: 5 battleType: 11 armor: 26 - type: STR_CELATID_CORPSE size: 0.4 costSell: 20000 weight: 35 bigSprite: 47 floorSprite: 43 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 recoveryPoints: 3 battleType: 11 armor: 26 - type: STR_SILACOID_CORPSE size: 0.4 costSell: 20000 weight: 40 bigSprite: 51 floorSprite: 47 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 recoveryPoints: 3 battleType: 11 armor: 26 - type: STR_CHRYSSALID_CORPSE size: 0.4 costSell: 20000 weight: 40 bigSprite: 53 floorSprite: 49 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 recoveryPoints: 3 battleType: 11 armor: 20 - type: STR_REAPER_CORPSE size: 1 costSell: 20000 battleType: 11 - type: REAPER_CORPSE_1 name: STR_REAPER_CORPSE floorSprite: 52 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 battleType: 11 recoveryPoints: 3 armor: 20 - type: REAPER_CORPSE_2 floorSprite: 55 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 battleType: 11 armor: 20 recover: false - type: REAPER_CORPSE_3 floorSprite: 54 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 battleType: 11 armor: 20 recover: false - type: REAPER_CORPSE_4 floorSprite: 53 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 battleType: 11 armor: 20 recover: false - type: STR_SECTOPOD_CORPSE size: 1 costSell: 20000 battleType: 11 - type: SECTOPOD_CORPSE_1 name: STR_SECTOPOD_CORPSE floorSprite: 60 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 battleType: 11 recoveryPoints: 3 armor: 20 - type: SECTOPOD_CORPSE_2 floorSprite: 61 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 battleType: 11 armor: 20 recover: false - type: SECTOPOD_CORPSE_3 floorSprite: 62 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 battleType: 11 armor: 20 recover: false - type: SECTOPOD_CORPSE_4 floorSprite: 63 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 battleType: 11 armor: 20 recover: false - type: STR_CYBERDISC_CORPSE size: 1 costSell: 20000 battleType: 11 - type: CYBERDISC_CORPSE_1 name: STR_CYBERDISC_CORPSE floorSprite: 56 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 battleType: 11 recoveryPoints: 3 armor: 20 - type: CYBERDISC_CORPSE_2 floorSprite: 57 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 battleType: 11 armor: 20 recover: false - type: CYBERDISC_CORPSE_3 name: STR_CYBERDISC_CORPSE floorSprite: 58 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 battleType: 11 armor: 20 recover: false - type: CYBERDISC_CORPSE_4 name: STR_CYBERDISC_CORPSE floorSprite: 59 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 battleType: 11 armor: 20 recover: false - type: HOVERTANK_CORPSE_1 floorSprite: 64 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 recover: false - type: HOVERTANK_CORPSE_2 floorSprite: 65 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 recover: false - type: HOVERTANK_CORPSE_3 floorSprite: 66 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 recover: false - type: HOVERTANK_CORPSE_4 floorSprite: 67 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 recover: false - type: TANK_CORPSE_1 floorSprite: 68 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 recover: false - type: TANK_CORPSE_2 floorSprite: 69 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 recover: false - type: TANK_CORPSE_3 floorSprite: 70 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 recover: false - type: TANK_CORPSE_4 floorSprite: 71 invWidth: 0 invHeight: 0 recover: false - type: CIVM_CORPSE name: STR_CORPSE weight: 30 bigSprite: 45 floorSprite: 50 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 armor: 12 recover: false - type: CIVF_CORPSE name: STR_CORPSE weight: 50 bigSprite: 45 floorSprite: 51 invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 armor: 12 recover: false - type: STR_UFO_POWER_SOURCE size: 0.7 costSell: 250000 - type: STR_UFO_NAVIGATION size: 0.2 costSell: 80000 - type: STR_UFO_CONSTRUCTION size: 0.1 costSell: 20000 - type: STR_ALIEN_FOOD size: 0.2 costSell: 5000 - type: STR_ALIEN_REPRODUCTION size: 0.2 costSell: 40000 - type: STR_ALIEN_ENTERTAINMENT size: 0.2 costSell: 20000 - type: STR_ALIEN_SURGERY size: 0.2 costSell: 38000 - type: STR_EXAMINATION_ROOM size: 0.2 costSell: 9000 - type: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS size: 0.1 costSell: 6500 - type: STR_ALIEN_HABITAT size: 0.1 costSell: 100 - type: STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR size: 0.8 costSell: 54000 - type: STR_POWER_SUIT size: 0.8 costSell: 85000 - type: STR_FLYING_SUIT size: 0.8 costSell: 115000 - type: CYBERDISC_WEAPON weight: 3 bigSprite: 40 floorSprite: 31 handSprite: 104 bulletSprite: 8 fireSound: 18 hitSound: 19 hitAnimation: 46 power: 130 damageType: 5 accuracySnap: 75 accuracyAimed: 110 tuSnap: 30 tuAimed: 60 clipSize: -1 battleType: 1 fixedWeapon: true invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 recover: false - type: REAPER_WEAPON weight: 3 bigSprite: 26 floorSprite: 31 handSprite: 104 hitSound: 48 clipSize: -1 power: 90 damageType: 7 accuracyMelee: 80 tuMelee: 15 battleType: 3 fixedWeapon: true invWidth: 1 invHeight: 3 recover: false - type: CHRYSSALID_WEAPON weight: 3 bigSprite: 26 floorSprite: 31 handSprite: 104 hitSound: 48 clipSize: -1 power: 114 damageType: 7 accuracyMelee: 80 tuMelee: 15 battleType: 3 fixedWeapon: true invWidth: 1 invHeight: 3 recover: false - type: CELATID_WEAPON weight: 3 bigSprite: 40 floorSprite: 31 handSprite: 104 bulletSprite: 8 fireSound: 51 hitSound: 19 hitAnimation: 46 power: 140 damageType: 8 accuracySnap: 75 accuracyAimed: 110 tuSnap: 30 tuAimed: 60 battleType: 1 fixedWeapon: true invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 clipSize: -1 recover: false arcingShot: true - type: SILACOID_WEAPON weight: 3 bigSprite: 40 floorSprite: 31 handSprite: 104 hitSound: 48 power: 70 damageType: 2 accuracyMelee: 92 tuMelee: 15 clipSize: -1 battleType: 3 fixedWeapon: true invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 recover: false - type: SECTOPOD_WEAPON weight: 3 bigSprite: 40 floorSprite: 31 handSprite: 104 fireSound: 18 hitSound: 19 hitAnimation: 46 power: 100 damageType: 4 accuracyAuto: 50 accuracySnap: 75 accuracyAimed: 110 tuAuto: 35 tuSnap: 30 tuAimed: 60 battleType: 1 fixedWeapon: true invWidth: 2 invHeight: 3 clipSize: -1 bulletSprite: 8 recover: false - type: ZOMBIE_WEAPON weight: 3 bigSprite: 26 floorSprite: 31 handSprite: 104 hitSound: 48 power: 84 damageType: 7 accuracyMelee: 80 tuMelee: 15 battleType: 3 fixedWeapon: true invWidth: 1 invHeight: 3 clipSize: -1 recover: false - type: STR_SECTOID_SOLDIER size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 40000 - type: STR_SECTOID_ENGINEER size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 60000 - type: STR_SECTOID_MEDIC size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 60000 - type: STR_SECTOID_NAVIGATOR size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 60000 - type: STR_SECTOID_LEADER size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 60000 - type: STR_SECTOID_COMMANDER size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 60000 - type: STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 80000 - type: STR_FLOATER_SOLDIER size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 40000 - type: STR_FLOATER_ENGINEER size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 60000 - type: STR_FLOATER_MEDIC size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 60000 - type: STR_FLOATER_NAVIGATOR size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 60000 - type: STR_FLOATER_LEADER size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 60000 - type: STR_FLOATER_COMMANDER size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 60000 - type: STR_REAPER_TERRORIST size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 40000 - type: STR_SNAKEMAN_SOLDIER size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 40000 - type: STR_SNAKEMAN_ENGINEER size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 60000 - type: STR_SNAKEMAN_NAVIGATOR size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 60000 - type: STR_SNAKEMAN_LEADER size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 60000 - type: STR_SNAKEMAN_COMMANDER size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 60000 - type: STR_CHRYSSALID_TERRORIST size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 60000 - type: STR_MUTON_SOLDIER size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 40000 - type: STR_MUTON_NAVIGATOR size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 60000 - type: STR_MUTON_ENGINEER size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 60000 - type: STR_ETHEREAL_SOLDIER size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 60000 - type: STR_ETHEREAL_LEADER size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 60000 - type: STR_ETHEREAL_COMMANDER size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 80000 - type: STR_SILACOID_TERRORIST size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 40000 - type: STR_CELATID_TERRORIST size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 40000 - type: STR_SECTOPOD_TERRORIST size: 0.0 recover: true liveAlien: true costSell: 80000 # Special Psi Weapon for Aliens. # Usage of this is hard-coded. # DO NOT DELETE! - type: ALIEN_PSI_WEAPON hitSound: 36 battleType: 9 tuUse: 25 flatRate: true recover: false ufos: - type: STR_SMALL_SCOUT size: STR_VERY_SMALL sprite: 0 damageMax: 50 speedMax: 2200 accel: 12 power: 0 range: 0 score: 50 reload: 56 breakOffTime: 200 battlescapeTerrainData: name: UFO1A mapDataSets: - BLANKS - UFO1 mapBlocks: - name: UFO1A width: 10 length: 10 - type: STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT size: STR_SMALL sprite: 1 damageMax: 200 speedMax: 2400 accel: 9 power: 20 range: 15 score: 75 reload: 56 breakOffTime: 250 battlescapeTerrainData: name: UFO_110 mapDataSets: - BLANKS - U_EXT02 - U_WALL02 - U_BITS - UFOL83 mapBlocks: - name: UFO_110 width: 10 length: 10 - name: ox_UFO1 width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO1b width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO1c width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO1d width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO1e width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO1f width: 20 length: 20 - type: STR_LARGE_SCOUT size: STR_SMALL sprite: 2 damageMax: 250 speedMax: 2700 accel: 9 power: 20 range: 34 score: 125 reload: 48 breakOffTime: 300 battlescapeTerrainData: name: UFO_120 mapDataSets: - BLANKS - U_EXT02 - U_WALL02 - U_BITS - UFOL83 mapBlocks: - name: UFO_120 width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO2a width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO2b width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO2c width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO2d width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO2e width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO2f width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO2g width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO2h width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO2i width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO2j width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO2k width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO2l width: 20 length: 20 - type: STR_ABDUCTOR size: STR_MEDIUM_UC sprite: 4 damageMax: 500 speedMax: 4000 accel: 8 power: 40 range: 22 score: 250 reload: 48 breakOffTime: 500 battlescapeTerrainData: name: UFO_140 mapDataSets: - BLANKS - U_EXT02 - U_WALL02 - U_OPER2 - U_BITS - UFOL83 mapBlocks: - name: ox_UFO4a width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO4b width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO4c width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO4d width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO4e width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO4f width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO4g width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO4h width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO4i width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO4j width: 20 length: 20 - type: STR_HARVESTER size: STR_MEDIUM_UC sprite: 3 damageMax: 500 speedMax: 4300 accel: 8 power: 40 range: 20 score: 250 reload: 32 breakOffTime: 500 battlescapeTerrainData: name: UFO_130 mapDataSets: - BLANKS - U_EXT02 - U_WALL02 - U_DISEC3 - U_BITS - UFOL83 mapBlocks: - name: ox_UFO3a width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO3b width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO3c width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO3d width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO3e width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO3f width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO3g width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO3h width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO3i width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO3j width: 20 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO3k width: 20 length: 20 - type: STR_SUPPLY_SHIP size: STR_LARGE sprite: 7 damageMax: 2200 speedMax: 3200 accel: 6 power: 60 range: 36 score: 400 reload: 24 breakOffTime: 3000 battlescapeTerrainData: name: UFO_170 mapDataSets: - BLANKS - U_EXT02 - U_WALL02 - U_PODS - U_BITS - UFOL83 mapBlocks: - name: UFO_170 width: 30 length: 20 - type: STR_TERROR_SHIP size: STR_LARGE sprite: 5 damageMax: 1200 speedMax: 4800 accel: 6 power: 120 range: 42 score: 500 reload: 24 breakOffTime: 2000 battlescapeTerrainData: name: UFO_150 mapDataSets: - BLANKS - U_EXT02 - U_WALL02 - U_PODS - U_BITS - UFOL83 mapBlocks: - name: ox_UFO5A width: 20 length: 30 - name: ox_UFO5B width: 30 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO5C width: 20 length: 30 - name: ox_UFO5D width: 30 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO5E width: 20 length: 30 - name: ox_UFO5F width: 30 length: 20 - name: ox_UFO5G width: 20 length: 30 - name: ox_UFO5H width: 30 length: 20 - type: STR_BATTLESHIP size: STR_VERY_LARGE sprite: 6 damageMax: 3200 speedMax: 5000 accel: 6 power: 148 range: 65 score: 700 reload: 24 breakOffTime: 4000 battlescapeTerrainData: name: UFO_160 mapDataSets: - BLANKS - U_EXT02 - U_WALL02 - U_DISEC3 - U_BITS - UFOL83 mapBlocks: - name: ox_UFO6a width: 30 length: 30 - name: ox_UFO6B width: 30 length: 30 invs: - id: STR_BACK_PACK x: 192 y: 37 slots: - [0, 0] - [1, 0] - [2, 0] - [0, 1] - [1, 1] - [2, 1] - [0, 2] - [1, 2] - [2, 2] costs: STR_BELT: 12 STR_GROUND: 10 STR_LEFT_HAND: 8 STR_LEFT_LEG: 16 STR_LEFT_SHOULDER: 14 STR_RIGHT_HAND: 8 STR_RIGHT_LEG: 16 STR_RIGHT_SHOULDER: 14 - id: STR_BELT x: 192 y: 104 slots: - [0, 0] - [1, 0] - [2, 0] - [3, 0] - [0, 1] - [3, 1] costs: STR_BACK_PACK: 16 STR_GROUND: 6 STR_LEFT_HAND: 4 STR_LEFT_LEG: 10 STR_LEFT_SHOULDER: 12 STR_RIGHT_HAND: 4 STR_RIGHT_LEG: 10 STR_RIGHT_SHOULDER: 12 - id: STR_GROUND x: 0 y: 152 type: 2 costs: STR_BACK_PACK: 20 STR_BELT: 12 STR_LEFT_HAND: 8 STR_LEFT_LEG: 10 STR_LEFT_SHOULDER: 12 STR_RIGHT_HAND: 8 STR_RIGHT_LEG: 10 STR_RIGHT_SHOULDER: 12 - id: STR_LEFT_HAND x: 128 y: 63 type: 1 costs: STR_BACK_PACK: 14 STR_BELT: 8 STR_GROUND: 2 STR_LEFT_LEG: 8 STR_LEFT_SHOULDER: 10 STR_RIGHT_HAND: 4 STR_RIGHT_LEG: 10 STR_RIGHT_SHOULDER: 10 - id: STR_LEFT_LEG x: 128 y: 120 slots: - [0, 0] - [1, 0] costs: STR_BACK_PACK: 18 STR_BELT: 10 STR_GROUND: 6 STR_LEFT_HAND: 4 STR_LEFT_SHOULDER: 10 STR_RIGHT_HAND: 6 STR_RIGHT_LEG: 10 STR_RIGHT_SHOULDER: 10 - id: STR_LEFT_SHOULDER x: 112 y: 37 slots: - [0, 0] - [1, 0] costs: STR_BACK_PACK: 16 STR_BELT: 10 STR_GROUND: 4 STR_LEFT_HAND: 3 STR_LEFT_LEG: 12 STR_RIGHT_HAND: 3 STR_RIGHT_LEG: 12 STR_RIGHT_SHOULDER: 8 - id: STR_RIGHT_HAND x: 0 y: 63 type: 1 costs: STR_BACK_PACK: 14 STR_BELT: 8 STR_GROUND: 2 STR_LEFT_HAND: 4 STR_LEFT_LEG: 10 STR_LEFT_SHOULDER: 10 STR_RIGHT_LEG: 8 STR_RIGHT_SHOULDER: 10 - id: STR_RIGHT_LEG x: 0 y: 120 slots: - [0, 0] - [1, 0] costs: STR_BACK_PACK: 18 STR_BELT: 10 STR_GROUND: 6 STR_LEFT_HAND: 6 STR_LEFT_LEG: 10 STR_LEFT_SHOULDER: 10 STR_RIGHT_HAND: 4 STR_RIGHT_SHOULDER: 10 - id: STR_RIGHT_SHOULDER x: 16 y: 37 slots: - [0, 0] - [1, 0] costs: STR_BACK_PACK: 16 STR_BELT: 10 STR_GROUND: 4 STR_LEFT_HAND: 3 STR_LEFT_LEG: 12 STR_LEFT_SHOULDER: 8 STR_RIGHT_HAND: 3 STR_RIGHT_LEG: 12 terrains: - name: CULTA mapDataSets: - BLANKS - CULTIVAT - BARN textures: [1, 2, 3, 4] mapBlocks: - name: CULTA00 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 subType: 0 maxCount: 3 - name: CULTA01 width: 10 length: 10 maxCount: 3 - name: CULTA02 width: 10 length: 10 maxCount: 3 - name: CULTA03 width: 10 length: 10 maxCount: 3 - name: CULTA04 width: 10 length: 10 maxCount: 3 - name: CULTA05 width: 10 length: 10 maxCount: 3 - name: CULTA06 width: 10 length: 10 maxCount: 3 - name: CULTA07 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 subType: 0 maxCount: 3 - name: CULTA08 width: 10 length: 10 maxCount: 3 - name: CULTA09 width: 10 length: 10 maxCount: 3 - name: CULTA10 width: 10 length: 10 maxCount: 3 - name: CULTA11 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 subType: 0 maxCount: 3 - name: CULTA12 width: 10 length: 10 maxCount: 3 - name: CULTA13 width: 10 length: 10 maxCount: 3 - name: CULTA14 width: 10 length: 10 maxCount: 3 - name: CULTA15 width: 10 length: 10 maxCount: 3 - name: CULTA16 width: 10 length: 10 maxCount: 3 - name: CULTA17 width: 10 length: 10 maxCount: 3 - name: CULTA18 width: 10 length: 10 maxCount: 3 - name: DESERT mapDataSets: - BLANKS - DESERT largeBlockLimit: 3 textures: [7, 8] mapBlocks: - name: DESERT00 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 subType: 0 - name: DESERT01 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 subType: 0 - name: DESERT02 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 subType: 0 - name: DESERT03 width: 10 length: 10 - name: DESERT04 width: 10 length: 10 - name: DESERT05 width: 10 length: 10 - name: DESERT06 width: 10 length: 10 - name: DESERT07 width: 10 length: 10 - name: DESERT08 width: 10 length: 10 - name: DESERT09 width: 20 length: 20 - name: DESERT10 width: 20 length: 20 - name: DESERT11 width: 20 length: 20 - name: FOREST mapDataSets: - BLANKS - FOREST largeBlockLimit: 2 textures: [0, 6, 10, 11] hemisphere: -1 mapBlocks: - name: FOREST00 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 - name: FOREST01 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 - name: FOREST02 width: 10 length: 10 - name: FOREST03 width: 10 length: 10 - name: FOREST04 width: 10 length: 10 - name: FOREST05 width: 10 length: 10 - name: FOREST06 width: 10 length: 10 - name: FOREST07 width: 10 length: 10 - name: FOREST08 width: 10 length: 10 - name: FOREST09 width: 10 length: 10 - name: FOREST10 width: 20 length: 20 - name: FOREST11 width: 20 length: 20 - name: JUNGLE mapDataSets: - BLANKS - JUNGLE textures: [0, 6, 10, 11] hemisphere: 1 mapBlocks: - name: JUNGLE00 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 - name: JUNGLE01 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 - name: JUNGLE02 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 - name: JUNGLE03 width: 10 length: 10 frequency: 2 - name: JUNGLE04 width: 10 length: 10 frequency: 2 - name: JUNGLE05 width: 10 length: 10 frequency: 2 - name: JUNGLE06 width: 10 length: 10 frequency: 2 - name: JUNGLE07 width: 10 length: 10 frequency: 2 - name: JUNGLE08 width: 10 length: 10 frequency: 2 - name: JUNGLE09 width: 10 length: 10 frequency: 2 - name: JUNGLE10 width: 10 length: 10 frequency: 1 - name: JUNGLE11 width: 10 length: 10 frequency: 1 - name: MARS mapDataSets: - BLANKS - MARS - U_WALL02 mapBlocks: - name: MARS00 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 subType: 0 - name: MARS01 width: 10 length: 10 - name: MARS02 width: 10 length: 10 - name: MARS03 width: 10 length: 10 - name: MARS04 width: 10 length: 10 - name: MARS05 width: 10 length: 10 - name: MARS06 width: 10 length: 10 - name: MARS07 width: 10 length: 10 - name: MARS08 width: 10 length: 10 - name: MARS09 width: 10 length: 10 - name: MARS10 width: 10 length: 10 type: 6 - name: MOUNT mapDataSets: - BLANKS - MOUNT textures: [5] largeBlockLimit: 2 mapBlocks: - name: MOUNT00 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 - name: MOUNT01 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 - name: MOUNT02 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 - name: MOUNT03 width: 10 length: 10 - name: MOUNT04 width: 10 length: 10 - name: MOUNT05 width: 10 length: 10 - name: MOUNT06 width: 10 length: 10 - name: MOUNT07 width: 10 length: 10 - name: MOUNT08 width: 10 length: 10 - name: MOUNT09 width: 10 length: 10 - name: MOUNT10 width: 10 length: 10 - name: MOUNT11 width: 20 length: 20 - name: MOUNT12 width: 20 length: 20 - name: POLAR mapDataSets: - BLANKS - POLAR textures: [9, 12] largeBlockLimit: 1 mapBlocks: - name: POLAR00 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 subType: 0 - name: POLAR01 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 subType: 0 - name: POLAR02 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 subType: 0 - name: POLAR03 width: 10 length: 10 - name: POLAR04 width: 10 length: 10 - name: POLAR05 width: 10 length: 10 - name: POLAR06 width: 10 length: 10 - name: POLAR07 width: 10 length: 10 - name: POLAR08 width: 10 length: 10 - name: POLAR09 width: 10 length: 10 - name: POLAR10 width: 10 length: 10 - name: POLAR11 width: 10 length: 10 - name: POLAR12 width: 20 length: 20 - name: POLAR13 width: 20 length: 20 - name: UBASE mapDataSets: - BLANKS - U_BASE - U_WALL02 - U_PODS - BRAIN largeBlockLimit: 3 mapBlocks: - name: UBASE_00 width: 20 length: 20 type: 7 - name: UBASE_01 width: 20 length: 20 - name: UBASE_02 width: 20 length: 20 - name: UBASE_03 width: 20 length: 20 - name: UBASE_04 width: 10 length: 10 type: 6 - name: UBASE_05 width: 10 length: 10 - name: UBASE_06 width: 10 length: 10 - name: UBASE_07 width: 10 length: 10 type: 4 - name: UBASE_08 width: 10 length: 10 - name: UBASE_09 width: 10 length: 10 - name: UBASE_10 width: 10 length: 10 - name: UBASE_11 width: 10 length: 10 - name: UBASE_12 width: 10 length: 10 - name: UBASE_13 width: 10 length: 10 - name: UBASE_14 width: 10 length: 10 - name: UBASE_15 width: 20 length: 20 type: 8 - name: URBAN mapDataSets: - BLANKS - ROADS - URBITS - URBAN - FRNITURE largeBlockLimit: 5 mapBlocks: - name: URBAN00 width: 10 length: 10 type: 2 - name: URBAN01 width: 10 length: 10 type: 3 - name: URBAN02 width: 10 length: 10 type: 4 - name: URBAN03 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 subType: 0 frequency: 3 - name: URBAN04 width: 10 length: 10 type: 1 subType: 0 frequency: 3 - name: URBAN05 width: 20 length: 20 - name: URBAN06 width: 20 length: 20 - name: URBAN07 width: 20 length: 20 - name: URBAN08 width: 20 length: 20 - name: URBAN09 width: 20 length: 20 - name: URBAN14 width: 10 length: 10 frequency: 2 - name: URBAN15 width: 10 length: 10 frequency: 2 - name: URBAN16 width: 10 length: 10 frequency: 2 - name: URBAN17 width: 10 length: 10 frequency: 2 - name: URBAN18 width: 10 length: 10 frequency: 2 - name: XBASE mapDataSets: - BLANKS - XBASE1 - XBASE2 mapBlocks: - name: XBASE_00 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_01 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_02 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_03 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_04 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_05 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_06 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_07 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_08 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_09 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_10 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_11 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_12 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_13 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_14 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_15 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_16 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_17 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_18 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_19 width: 10 length: 10 - name: XBASE_20 width: 10 length: 10 type: 5 armors: - type: STR_NONE_UC spriteSheet: XCOM_0.PCK spriteInv: MAN_0 storeItem: STR_NONE corpseItem: STR_CORPSE frontArmor: 12 sideArmor: 8 rearArmor: 5 underArmor: 2 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.2 - 1.6 - 1.0 loftemps: 3 - type: STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR_UC spriteSheet: XCOM_1.PCK spriteInv: MAN_1 corpseItem: STR_CORPSE_ARMOR storeItem: STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR frontArmor: 50 sideArmor: 40 rearArmor: 40 underArmor: 30 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.8 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.9 - 1.0 - 1.1 - 1.0 loftemps: 3 - type: STR_POWER_SUIT_UC spriteSheet: XCOM_2.PCK spriteInv: MAN_2 corpseItem: STR_CORPSE_SUIT storeItem: STR_POWER_SUIT frontArmor: 100 sideArmor: 80 rearArmor: 70 underArmor: 60 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.8 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 loftemps: 3 - type: STR_FLYING_SUIT_UC spriteSheet: XCOM_2.PCK spriteInv: MAN_3 corpseItem: STR_CORPSE_SUIT storeItem: STR_FLYING_SUIT frontArmor: 110 sideArmor: 90 rearArmor: 80 underArmor: 70 movementType: 1 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.8 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 loftemps: 3 - type: SECTOID_ARMOR0 spriteSheet: SECTOID.PCK corpseItem: STR_SECTOID_CORPSE frontArmor: 4 sideArmor: 3 rearArmor: 2 underArmor: 2 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.2 - 1.6 - 1.0 loftemps: 2 - type: FLOATER_ARMOR0 spriteSheet: FLOATER.PCK corpseItem: STR_FLOATER_CORPSE frontArmor: 8 sideArmor: 6 rearArmor: 4 underArmor: 12 drawingRoutine: 1 movementType: 1 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.2 - 1.6 - 1.0 loftemps: 3 - type: FLOATER_ARMOR1 spriteSheet: FLOATER.PCK corpseItem: STR_FLOATER_CORPSE frontArmor: 16 sideArmor: 12 rearArmor: 8 underArmor: 12 drawingRoutine: 1 movementType: 1 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.2 - 1.6 - 1.0 loftemps: 3 - type: FLOATER_ARMOR2 spriteSheet: FLOATER.PCK corpseItem: STR_FLOATER_CORPSE frontArmor: 24 sideArmor: 18 rearArmor: 12 underArmor: 16 drawingRoutine: 1 movementType: 1 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.2 - 1.6 - 1.0 loftemps: 3 - type: CYBERDISC_ARMOR spriteSheet: CYBER.PCK corpseItem: CYBERDISC_CORPSE_ frontArmor: 34 sideArmor: 34 rearArmor: 34 underArmor: 34 drawingRoutine: 3 movementType: 1 size: 2 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 0.8 - 1.0 - 0.6 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 loftempsSet: [ 92, 89, 90, 91 ] - type: REAPER_ARMOR spriteSheet: X_REAP.PCK corpseItem: REAPER_CORPSE_ frontArmor: 28 sideArmor: 28 rearArmor: 28 underArmor: 4 drawingRoutine: 5 size: 2 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.7 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 loftempsSet: [ 92, 89, 90, 91 ] - type: SECTOPOD_ARMOR spriteSheet: X_ROB.PCK corpseItem: SECTOPOD_CORPSE_ frontArmor: 145 sideArmor: 130 rearArmor: 100 underArmor: 90 drawingRoutine: 5 size: 2 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.8 - 1.5 - 0.8 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 loftempsSet: [ 92, 89, 90, 91 ] - type: TANK_ARMOR spriteSheet: TANKS.PCK corpseItem: TANK_CORPSE_ frontArmor: 90 sideArmor: 75 rearArmor: 60 underArmor: 60 drawingRoutine: 2 size: 2 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.4 - 0.75 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 - 0.9 - 0.4 - 0.0 loftempsSet: [ 92, 89, 90, 91 ] - type: HOVERTANK_ARMOR spriteSheet: TANKS.PCK corpseItem: HOVERTANK_CORPSE_ frontArmor: 130 sideArmor: 130 rearArmor: 130 underArmor: 100 drawingRoutine: 2 movementType: 1 size: 2 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.4 - 0.75 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 - 0.9 - 0.4 - 0.0 loftempsSet: [ 92, 89, 90, 91 ] - type: CIVM_ARMOR spriteSheet: CIVM.PCK corpseItem: CIVM_CORPSE frontArmor: 0 sideArmor: 0 rearArmor: 0 underArmor: 0 drawingRoutine: 4 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.2 - 1.6 - 1.0 loftemps: 3 - type: CIVF_ARMOR spriteSheet: CIVF.PCK corpseItem: CIVF_CORPSE frontArmor: 0 sideArmor: 0 rearArmor: 0 underArmor: 0 drawingRoutine: 4 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.2 - 1.6 - 1.0 loftemps: 3 - type: SNAKEMAN_ARMOR0 spriteSheet: SNAKEMAN.PCK corpseItem: STR_SNAKEMAN_CORPSE frontArmor: 20 sideArmor: 18 rearArmor: 16 underArmor: 12 drawingRoutine: 6 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.7 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 loftemps: 3 - type: SNAKEMAN_ARMOR1 spriteSheet: SNAKEMAN.PCK corpseItem: STR_SNAKEMAN_CORPSE frontArmor: 20 sideArmor: 24 rearArmor: 22 underArmor: 20 drawingRoutine: 6 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.7 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 loftemps: 3 - type: SNAKEMAN_ARMOR2 spriteSheet: SNAKEMAN.PCK corpseItem: STR_SNAKEMAN_CORPSE frontArmor: 26 sideArmor: 26 rearArmor: 22 underArmor: 20 drawingRoutine: 6 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.7 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 loftemps: 3 - type: MUTON_ARMOR0 spriteSheet: MUTON.PCK corpseItem: STR_MUTON_CORPSE frontArmor: 20 sideArmor: 20 rearArmor: 20 underArmor: 10 drawingRoutine: 10 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 0.6 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 loftemps: 3 - type: MUTON_ARMOR1 spriteSheet: MUTON.PCK corpseItem: STR_MUTON_CORPSE frontArmor: 24 sideArmor: 24 rearArmor: 24 underArmor: 15 drawingRoutine: 10 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 0.6 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 loftemps: 3 - type: MUTON_ARMOR2 spriteSheet: MUTON.PCK corpseItem: STR_MUTON_CORPSE frontArmor: 28 sideArmor: 28 rearArmor: 28 underArmor: 20 drawingRoutine: 10 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 0.6 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 loftemps: 3 - type: ETHEREAL_ARMOR0 spriteSheet: ETHEREAL.PCK corpseItem: STR_ETHEREAL_CORPSE frontArmor: 35 sideArmor: 35 rearArmor: 35 underArmor: 35 movementType: 1 drawingRoutine: 4 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.7 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.8 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 loftemps: 3 - type: ETHEREAL_ARMOR1 spriteSheet: ETHEREAL.PCK corpseItem: STR_ETHEREAL_CORPSE frontArmor: 40 sideArmor: 40 rearArmor: 40 underArmor: 40 movementType: 1 drawingRoutine: 4 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.7 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.8 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 loftemps: 3 - type: ETHEREAL_ARMOR2 spriteSheet: ETHEREAL.PCK corpseItem: STR_ETHEREAL_CORPSE frontArmor: 45 sideArmor: 45 rearArmor: 45 underArmor: 45 movementType: 1 drawingRoutine: 4 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.7 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.8 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 loftemps: 3 - type: CHRYSSALID_ARMOR spriteSheet: CHRYS.PCK corpseItem: STR_CHRYSSALID_CORPSE frontArmor: 34 sideArmor: 34 rearArmor: 34 underArmor: 34 drawingRoutine: 7 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.8 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.9 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 loftemps: 3 - type: ZOMBIE_ARMOR spriteSheet: ZOMBIE.PCK corpseItem: STR_ZOMBIE_CORPSE frontArmor: 4 sideArmor: 4 rearArmor: 4 underArmor: 4 drawingRoutine: 4 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 0.6 - 1.0 - 0.8 - 0.7 - 0.7 - 0.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 loftemps: 3 - type: SILACOID_ARMOR spriteSheet: SILACOID.PCK corpseItem: STR_SILACOID_CORPSE frontArmor: 50 sideArmor: 50 rearArmor: 50 underArmor: 10 drawingRoutine: 8 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 - 1.3 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.0 loftemps: 5 - type: CELATID_ARMOR spriteSheet: CELATID.PCK corpseItem: STR_CELATID_CORPSE frontArmor: 20 sideArmor: 20 rearArmor: 20 underArmor: 20 drawingRoutine: 9 damageModifier: - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.2 - 1.6 - 1.0 loftemps: 3 soldiers: - type: XCOM minStats: tu: 50 stamina: 40 health: 25 bravery: 10 reactions: 30 firing: 40 throwing: 50 strength: 20 psiStrength: 0 # psiSkill here is treated as the initial stat psiSkill: 0 melee: 20 maxStats: tu: 60 stamina: 70 health: 40 bravery: 60 reactions: 60 firing: 70 throwing: 80 strength: 40 psiStrength: 100 # psiSkill here is treated as the minimum value for the initial month of training using # a random number between (this) and (150% of this) psiSkill: 16 melee: 40 # Note: caps are not absolute, it IS possible to go one or two points over (at most) # this is NOT a bug, it is a design choice, for variety's sake. # bravery is ALWAYS treated in multiples of 10, and cannot go above the cap. 101 will be treated as 110 # psi strength is NEVER increased. statCaps: tu: 80 stamina: 100 health: 60 bravery: 100 reactions: 100 firing: 120 throwing: 120 strength: 70 psiStrength: 0 psiSkill: 100 melee: 120 armor: STR_NONE_UC standHeight: 22 kneelHeight: 14 units: - type: STR_SECTOID_SOLDIER race: STR_SECTOID rank: STR_LIVE_SOLDIER stats: tu: 54 stamina: 90 health: 30 bravery: 80 reactions: 63 firing: 52 throwing: 58 strength: 30 psiStrength: 40 psiSkill: 0 melee: 76 armor: SECTOID_ARMOR0 standHeight: 16 kneelHeight: 12 value: 10 deathSound: 10 intelligence: 3 aggression: 2 - type: STR_SECTOID_ENGINEER race: STR_SECTOID rank: STR_LIVE_ENGINEER stats: tu: 54 stamina: 90 health: 30 bravery: 80 reactions: 63 firing: 52 throwing: 58 strength: 30 psiStrength: 40 psiSkill: 0 melee: 76 armor: SECTOID_ARMOR0 standHeight: 16 kneelHeight: 12 value: 16 deathSound: 10 intelligence: 6 aggression: 2 - type: STR_SECTOID_MEDIC race: STR_SECTOID rank: STR_LIVE_MEDIC stats: tu: 54 stamina: 90 health: 30 bravery: 80 reactions: 63 firing: 52 throwing: 58 strength: 30 psiStrength: 40 psiSkill: 0 melee: 76 armor: SECTOID_ARMOR0 standHeight: 16 kneelHeight: 12 value: 14 deathSound: 10 intelligence: 5 aggression: 1 - type: STR_SECTOID_NAVIGATOR race: STR_SECTOID rank: STR_LIVE_NAVIGATOR stats: tu: 54 stamina: 90 health: 30 bravery: 80 reactions: 63 firing: 52 throwing: 58 strength: 30 psiStrength: 40 psiSkill: 0 melee: 76 armor: SECTOID_ARMOR0 standHeight: 16 kneelHeight: 12 value: 12 deathSound: 10 intelligence: 4 aggression: 2 - type: STR_SECTOID_LEADER race: STR_SECTOID rank: STR_LIVE_LEADER stats: tu: 54 stamina: 90 health: 30 bravery: 80 reactions: 63 firing: 52 throwing: 58 strength: 30 psiStrength: 40 psiSkill: 50 melee: 76 armor: SECTOID_ARMOR0 standHeight: 16 kneelHeight: 12 value: 20 deathSound: 10 intelligence: 7 aggression: 1 - type: STR_SECTOID_COMMANDER race: STR_SECTOID rank: STR_LIVE_COMMANDER stats: tu: 54 stamina: 90 health: 30 bravery: 80 reactions: 63 firing: 52 throwing: 58 strength: 30 psiStrength: 40 psiSkill: 60 melee: 76 armor: SECTOID_ARMOR0 standHeight: 16 kneelHeight: 12 value: 25 deathSound: 10 intelligence: 8 aggression: 0 - type: STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST race: STR_CYBERDISC stats: tu: 62 stamina: 90 health: 120 bravery: 110 reactions: 64 firing: 60 throwing: 0 strength: 90 psiStrength: 100 psiSkill: 0 melee: 0 armor: CYBERDISC_ARMOR standHeight: 15 kneelHeight: 15 floatHeight: 2 value: 20 deathSound: 23 moveSound: 40 intelligence: 5 aggression: 1 specab: 1 livingWeapon: true - type: STR_FLOATER_SOLDIER race: STR_FLOATER rank: STR_LIVE_SOLDIER stats: tu: 50 stamina: 90 health: 35 bravery: 80 reactions: 50 firing: 50 throwing: 58 strength: 40 psiStrength: 35 psiSkill: 0 melee: 70 armor: FLOATER_ARMOR0 standHeight: 21 kneelHeight: 16 floatHeight: 2 value: 12 deathSound: 10 moveSound: 15 intelligence: 4 aggression: 2 - type: STR_FLOATER_ENGINEER race: STR_FLOATER rank: STR_LIVE_ENGINEER stats: tu: 50 stamina: 90 health: 35 bravery: 80 reactions: 50 firing: 50 throwing: 58 strength: 40 psiStrength: 35 psiSkill: 0 melee: 70 armor: FLOATER_ARMOR0 standHeight: 21 kneelHeight: 16 floatHeight: 2 value: 18 deathSound: 10 moveSound: 15 intelligence: 7 aggression: 2 - type: STR_FLOATER_NAVIGATOR race: STR_FLOATER rank: STR_LIVE_NAVIGATOR stats: tu: 50 stamina: 90 health: 35 bravery: 80 reactions: 50 firing: 50 throwing: 58 strength: 40 psiStrength: 35 psiSkill: 0 melee: 70 armor: FLOATER_ARMOR0 standHeight: 21 kneelHeight: 16 floatHeight: 2 value: 14 deathSound: 10 moveSound: 15 intelligence: 5 aggression: 2 - type: STR_FLOATER_MEDIC race: STR_FLOATER rank: STR_LIVE_MEDIC stats: tu: 50 stamina: 90 health: 35 bravery: 80 reactions: 50 firing: 50 throwing: 58 strength: 40 psiStrength: 35 psiSkill: 0 melee: 70 armor: FLOATER_ARMOR0 standHeight: 21 kneelHeight: 16 floatHeight: 2 value: 16 deathSound: 10 moveSound: 15 intelligence: 6 aggression: 1 - type: STR_FLOATER_LEADER race: STR_FLOATER rank: STR_LIVE_LEADER stats: tu: 55 stamina: 95 health: 40 bravery: 80 reactions: 60 firing: 60 throwing: 58 strength: 47 psiStrength: 40 psiSkill: 0 melee: 70 armor: FLOATER_ARMOR1 standHeight: 21 kneelHeight: 16 floatHeight: 2 value: 25 deathSound: 10 moveSound: 15 intelligence: 8 aggression: 0 - type: STR_FLOATER_COMMANDER race: STR_FLOATER rank: STR_LIVE_COMMANDER stats: tu: 60 stamina: 100 health: 45 bravery: 80 reactions: 66 firing: 63 throwing: 65 strength: 48 psiStrength: 45 psiSkill: 0 melee: 76 armor: FLOATER_ARMOR2 standHeight: 21 kneelHeight: 16 floatHeight: 2 value: 35 deathSound: 10 moveSound: 15 intelligence: 8 aggression: 0 - type: STR_REAPER_TERRORIST race: STR_REAPER stats: tu: 62 stamina: 90 health: 148 bravery: 90 reactions: 64 firing: 0 throwing: 0 strength: 90 psiStrength: 35 psiSkill: 0 melee: 80 armor: REAPER_ARMOR standHeight: 23 kneelHeight: 16 value: 25 deathSound: 48 intelligence: 2 aggression: 2 livingWeapon: true - type: STR_TANK_CANNON race: STR_TANK_CANNON stats: tu: 70 stamina: 100 health: 90 bravery: 110 reactions: 20 firing: 60 throwing: 0 strength: 60 psiStrength: 100 psiSkill: 0 melee: 70 armor: TANK_ARMOR standHeight: 16 kneelHeight: 16 value: 20 deathSound: 23 moveSound: 14 - type: STR_TANK_ROCKET_LAUNCHER race: STR_TANK_ROCKET_LAUNCHER stats: tu: 70 stamina: 100 health: 90 bravery: 110 reactions: 20 firing: 60 throwing: 0 strength: 60 psiStrength: 100 psiSkill: 0 melee: 70 armor: TANK_ARMOR standHeight: 16 kneelHeight: 16 value: 20 deathSound: 23 moveSound: 14 - type: STR_TANK_LASER_CANNON race: STR_TANK_LASER_CANNON stats: tu: 70 stamina: 100 health: 90 bravery: 110 reactions: 20 firing: 60 throwing: 0 strength: 60 psiStrength: 100 psiSkill: 0 melee: 7 armor: TANK_ARMOR standHeight: 16 kneelHeight: 16 value: 20 deathSound: 23 moveSound: 14 - type: STR_HOVERTANK_PLASMA race: STR_HOVERTANK_PLASMA stats: tu: 100 stamina: 100 health: 90 bravery: 110 reactions: 30 firing: 60 throwing: 0 strength: 60 psiStrength: 100 psiSkill: 0 melee: 70 armor: HOVERTANK_ARMOR standHeight: 12 kneelHeight: 12 floatHeight: 6 value: 20 deathSound: 23 moveSound: 40 - type: STR_HOVERTANK_LAUNCHER race: STR_HOVERTANK_LAUNCHER stats: tu: 100 stamina: 100 health: 90 bravery: 110 reactions: 30 firing: 60 throwing: 0 strength: 60 psiStrength: 100 psiSkill: 0 melee: 60 armor: HOVERTANK_ARMOR standHeight: 12 kneelHeight: 12 floatHeight: 6 value: 20 deathSound: 23 moveSound: 40 - type: MALE_CIVILIAN race: STR_CIVILIAN stats: tu: 35 stamina: 65 health: 30 bravery: 80 reactions: 30 firing: 30 throwing: 50 strength: 20 psiStrength: 5 psiSkill: 0 melee: 50 armor: CIVM_ARMOR standHeight: 21 kneelHeight: 14 value: 30 intelligence: 4 - type: FEMALE_CIVILIAN race: STR_CIVILIAN stats: tu: 35 stamina: 65 health: 30 bravery: 80 reactions: 30 firing: 30 throwing: 50 strength: 20 psiStrength: 5 psiSkill: 0 melee: 50 armor: CIVF_ARMOR standHeight: 21 kneelHeight: 14 value: 30 intelligence: 4 - type: STR_SNAKEMAN_SOLDIER race: STR_SNAKEMAN rank: STR_LIVE_SOLDIER stats: tu: 40 stamina: 80 health: 45 bravery: 80 reactions: 45 firing: 58 throwing: 65 strength: 47 psiStrength: 40 psiSkill: 0 melee: 76 armor: SNAKEMAN_ARMOR0 standHeight: 18 kneelHeight: 18 value: 15 deathSound: 8 moveSound: 0 intelligence: 2 aggression: 2 - type: STR_SNAKEMAN_NAVIGATOR race: STR_SNAKEMAN rank: STR_LIVE_NAVIGATOR stats: tu: 40 stamina: 80 health: 45 bravery: 80 reactions: 45 firing: 58 throwing: 65 strength: 47 psiStrength: 40 psiSkill: 0 melee: 76 armor: SNAKEMAN_ARMOR0 standHeight: 18 kneelHeight: 18 value: 17 deathSound: 8 moveSound: 0 intelligence: 3 aggression: 2 - type: STR_SNAKEMAN_ENGINEER race: STR_SNAKEMAN rank: STR_LIVE_ENGINEER stats: tu: 40 stamina: 80 health: 45 bravery: 80 reactions: 45 firing: 58 throwing: 65 strength: 47 psiStrength: 40 psiSkill: 0 melee: 76 armor: SNAKEMAN_ARMOR0 standHeight: 18 kneelHeight: 18 value: 20 deathSound: 8 moveSound: 0 intelligence: 4 aggression: 2 - type: STR_SNAKEMAN_LEADER race: STR_SNAKEMAN rank: STR_LIVE_LEADER stats: tu: 40 stamina: 80 health: 45 bravery: 80 reactions: 55 firing: 65 throwing: 65 strength: 47 psiStrength: 45 psiSkill: 0 melee: 76 armor: SNAKEMAN_ARMOR1 standHeight: 18 kneelHeight: 18 value: 28 deathSound: 8 moveSound: 0 intelligence: 5 aggression: 2 - type: STR_SNAKEMAN_COMMANDER race: STR_SNAKEMAN rank: STR_LIVE_COMMANDER stats: tu: 45 stamina: 84 health: 55 bravery: 80 reactions: 65 firing: 58 throwing: 65 strength: 47 psiStrength: 50 psiSkill: 0 melee: 76 armor: SNAKEMAN_ARMOR2 standHeight: 18 kneelHeight: 18 value: 36 deathSound: 8 moveSound: 0 intelligence: 6 aggression: 2 - type: STR_MUTON_SOLDIER race: STR_MUTON rank: STR_LIVE_SOLDIER stats: tu: 56 stamina: 90 health: 125 bravery: 80 reactions: 60 firing: 54 throwing: 62 strength: 70 psiStrength: 25 psiSkill: 0 melee: 76 armor: MUTON_ARMOR0 standHeight: 21 kneelHeight: 16 value: 15 deathSound: 6 intelligence: 2 aggression: 2 - type: STR_MUTON_NAVIGATOR race: STR_MUTON rank: STR_LIVE_NAVIGATOR stats: tu: 56 stamina: 90 health: 125 bravery: 80 reactions: 60 firing: 54 throwing: 62 strength: 70 psiStrength: 25 psiSkill: 0 melee: 76 armor: MUTON_ARMOR1 standHeight: 21 kneelHeight: 16 value: 17 deathSound: 6 intelligence: 3 aggression: 2 - type: STR_MUTON_ENGINEER race: STR_MUTON rank: STR_LIVE_ENGINEER stats: tu: 56 stamina: 90 health: 125 bravery: 80 reactions: 60 firing: 54 throwing: 62 strength: 70 psiStrength: 25 psiSkill: 0 melee: 76 armor: MUTON_ARMOR2 standHeight: 21 kneelHeight: 16 value: 19 deathSound: 6 intelligence: 4 aggression: 2 - type: STR_ETHEREAL_SOLDIER race: STR_ETHEREAL rank: STR_LIVE_SOLDIER stats: tu: 68 stamina: 96 health: 55 bravery: 80 reactions: 75 firing: 74 throwing: 80 strength: 48 psiStrength: 50 psiSkill: 40 melee: 85 armor: ETHEREAL_ARMOR0 standHeight: 20 kneelHeight: 15 value: 20 deathSound: 9 moveSound: 15 intelligence: 6 aggression: 1 - type: STR_ETHEREAL_LEADER race: STR_ETHEREAL rank: STR_LIVE_LEADER stats: tu: 68 stamina: 96 health: 55 bravery: 80 reactions: 75 firing: 74 throwing: 80 strength: 48 psiStrength: 60 psiSkill: 45 melee: 85 armor: ETHEREAL_ARMOR1 standHeight: 20 kneelHeight: 15 value: 30 deathSound: 9 moveSound: 15 intelligence: 7 aggression: 1 - type: STR_ETHEREAL_COMMANDER race: STR_ETHEREAL rank: STR_LIVE_COMMANDER stats: tu: 68 stamina: 96 health: 55 bravery: 80 reactions: 75 firing: 74 throwing: 80 strength: 48 psiStrength: 65 psiSkill: 50 melee: 85 armor: ETHEREAL_ARMOR2 standHeight: 20 kneelHeight: 15 value: 40 deathSound: 9 moveSound: 15 intelligence: 8 aggression: 1 - type: STR_CHRYSSALID_TERRORIST race: STR_CHRYSSALID rank: STR_LIVE_TERRORIST stats: tu: 110 stamina: 140 health: 96 bravery: 100 reactions: 70 firing: 0 throwing: 0 strength: 110 psiStrength: 50 psiSkill: 0 melee: 80 armor: CHRYSSALID_ARMOR standHeight: 21 kneelHeight: 16 value: 25 deathSound: 49 aggroSound: 49 intelligence: 4 aggression: 1 zombieUnit: STR_ZOMBIE livingWeapon: true - type: STR_SILACOID_TERRORIST race: STR_SILACOID rank: STR_LIVE_TERRORIST stats: tu: 40 stamina: 80 health: 114 bravery: 100 reactions: 40 firing: 0 throwing: 0 strength: 70 psiStrength: 80 psiSkill: 0 melee: 80 armor: SILACOID_ARMOR standHeight: 10 kneelHeight: 10 value: 20 deathSound: 51 moveSound: 47 intelligence: 3 aggression: 2 specab: 2 livingWeapon: true - type: STR_CELATID_TERRORIST race: STR_CELATID rank: STR_LIVE_TERRORIST stats: tu: 70 stamina: 90 health: 68 bravery: 90 reactions: 40 firing: 100 throwing: 0 strength: 70 psiStrength: 80 psiSkill: 0 melee: 80 armor: CELATID_ARMOR standHeight: 12 kneelHeight: 12 floatHeight: 6 value: 20 deathSound: 51 moveSound: 16 intelligence: 3 aggression: 2 livingWeapon: true - type: STR_SECTOPOD_TERRORIST race: STR_SECTOPOD rank: STR_LIVE_TERRORIST stats: tu: 62 stamina: 90 health: 96 bravery: 110 reactions: 64 firing: 60 throwing: 0 strength: 90 psiStrength: 100 psiSkill: 0 melee: 80 armor: SECTOPOD_ARMOR standHeight: 23 kneelHeight: 16 value: 30 deathSound: 23 intelligence: 4 aggression: 1 livingWeapon: true - type: STR_ZOMBIE race: STR_ZOMBIE rank: STR_LIVE_TERRORIST stats: tu: 40 stamina: 110 health: 84 bravery: 110 reactions: 40 firing: 0 throwing: 0 strength: 84 psiStrength: 80 psiSkill: 0 melee: 80 armor: ZOMBIE_ARMOR standHeight: 18 kneelHeight: 18 value: 18 deathSound: 48 intelligence: 3 aggression: 2 spawnUnit: STR_CHRYSSALID_TERRORIST livingWeapon: true alienRaces: - id: STR_SECTOID members: - STR_SECTOID_COMMANDER - STR_SECTOID_LEADER - STR_SECTOID_ENGINEER - STR_SECTOID_MEDIC - STR_SECTOID_NAVIGATOR - STR_SECTOID_SOLDIER - STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST - STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST - id: STR_SNAKEMAN members: - STR_SNAKEMAN_COMMANDER - STR_SNAKEMAN_LEADER - STR_SNAKEMAN_ENGINEER - STR_SNAKEMAN_SOLDIER - STR_SNAKEMAN_NAVIGATOR - STR_SNAKEMAN_SOLDIER - STR_CHRYSSALID_TERRORIST - STR_CHRYSSALID_TERRORIST - id: STR_ETHEREAL members: - STR_ETHEREAL_COMMANDER - STR_ETHEREAL_LEADER - STR_ETHEREAL_LEADER - STR_ETHEREAL_LEADER - STR_ETHEREAL_LEADER - STR_ETHEREAL_SOLDIER - STR_SECTOPOD_TERRORIST - STR_SECTOPOD_TERRORIST - id: STR_MUTON members: - STR_MUTON_SOLDIER - STR_MUTON_SOLDIER - STR_MUTON_ENGINEER - STR_MUTON_SOLDIER - STR_MUTON_NAVIGATOR - STR_MUTON_SOLDIER - STR_SILACOID_TERRORIST - STR_CELATID_TERRORIST - id: STR_FLOATER members: - STR_FLOATER_COMMANDER - STR_FLOATER_LEADER - STR_FLOATER_ENGINEER - STR_FLOATER_MEDIC - STR_FLOATER_NAVIGATOR - STR_FLOATER_SOLDIER - STR_REAPER_TERRORIST - STR_REAPER_TERRORIST - id: STR_MIXED members: - STR_ETHEREAL_SOLDIER - STR_ETHEREAL_LEADER - STR_ETHEREAL_COMMANDER - STR_CHRYSSALID_TERRORIST - STR_SILACOID_TERRORIST - STR_CELATID_TERRORIST - STR_SECTOPOD_TERRORIST - STR_SECTOPOD_TERRORIST alienDeployments: - type: STR_SMALL_SCOUT data: - alienRank: 5 lowQty: 1 highQty: 1 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 50 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_MIND_PROBE - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_MIND_PROBE - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_MIND_PROBE width: 40 length: 40 height: 4 - type: STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT data: - alienRank: 5 lowQty: 2 highQty: 4 dQty: 2 percentageOutsideUfo: 60 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - alienRank: 4 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 1 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_MIND_PROBE - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP width: 40 length: 40 height: 4 - type: STR_LARGE_SCOUT data: - alienRank: 5 lowQty: 1 highQty: 3 dQty: 5 percentageOutsideUfo: 65 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 4 lowQty: 1 highQty: 1 dQty: 1 percentageOutsideUfo: 25 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_MIND_PROBE - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - alienRank: 2 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 1 percentageOutsideUfo: 35 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_MIND_PROBE - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_MIND_PROBE - - STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB width: 50 length: 50 height: 4 - type: STR_HARVESTER data: - alienRank: 5 lowQty: 5 highQty: 9 dQty: 4 percentageOutsideUfo: 70 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - alienRank: 4 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 3 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - - STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - - STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - alienRank: 2 lowQty: 2 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 30 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 1 lowQty: 1 highQty: 1 dQty: 1 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP width: 50 length: 50 height: 4 - type: STR_ABDUCTOR data: - alienRank: 5 lowQty: 3 highQty: 5 dQty: 4 percentageOutsideUfo: 70 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 4 lowQty: 1 highQty: 1 dQty: 1 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 3 lowQty: 2 highQty: 4 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 2 lowQty: 2 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 30 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 1 lowQty: 1 highQty: 1 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP width: 50 length: 50 height: 4 - type: STR_TERROR_SHIP data: - alienRank: 5 lowQty: 4 highQty: 6 dQty: 1 percentageOutsideUfo: 70 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 4 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 3 lowQty: 1 highQty: 1 dQty: 1 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - alienRank: 2 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 1 lowQty: 1 highQty: 1 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 6 lowQty: 1 highQty: 3 dQty: 2 percentageOutsideUfo: 50 itemSets: - [] - [] - [] - alienRank: 7 lowQty: 1 highQty: 3 dQty: 2 percentageOutsideUfo: 50 itemSets: - [] - [] - [] width: 50 length: 50 height: 4 - type: STR_BATTLESHIP data: - alienRank: 5 lowQty: 4 highQty: 8 dQty: 4 percentageOutsideUfo: 50 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 4 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - alienRank: 3 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - alienRank: 2 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - alienRank: 1 lowQty: 1 highQty: 3 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - - STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - alienRank: 0 lowQty: 1 highQty: 1 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - - STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - alienRank: 6 lowQty: 0 highQty: 2 dQty: 1 percentageOutsideUfo: 50 itemSets: - [] - [] - [] - alienRank: 7 lowQty: 0 highQty: 2 dQty: 1 percentageOutsideUfo: 50 itemSets: - [] - [] - [] width: 50 length: 50 height: 4 - type: STR_SUPPLY_SHIP data: - alienRank: 5 lowQty: 5 highQty: 7 dQty: 6 percentageOutsideUfo: 50 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - alienRank: 4 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - alienRank: 3 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - alienRank: 2 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - alienRank: 1 lowQty: 1 highQty: 1 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE width: 50 length: 50 height: 4 - type: STR_TERROR_MISSION data: - alienRank: 5 lowQty: 4 highQty: 6 dQty: 1 percentageOutsideUfo: 70 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 4 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 3 lowQty: 1 highQty: 1 dQty: 1 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - alienRank: 2 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 1 lowQty: 1 highQty: 1 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 6 lowQty: 1 highQty: 3 dQty: 2 percentageOutsideUfo: 50 itemSets: - [] - [] - [] - alienRank: 7 lowQty: 1 highQty: 3 dQty: 2 percentageOutsideUfo: 50 itemSets: - [] - [] - [] width: 50 length: 50 height: 4 civilians: 16 # roadTypeOdds: [EWRoad, NWRoad] (Crossroad is remainder) roadTypeOdds: [50, 25] terrain: URBAN - type: STR_ALIEN_BASE_ASSAULT data: - alienRank: 5 lowQty: 5 highQty: 7 dQty: 4 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - alienRank: 4 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - alienRank: 3 lowQty: 1 highQty: 1 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - alienRank: 2 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - alienRank: 1 lowQty: 2 highQty: 4 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - - STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - alienRank: 0 lowQty: 1 highQty: 1 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - alienRank: 6 lowQty: 1 highQty: 3 dQty: 1 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - [] - [] - [] - alienRank: 7 lowQty: 0 highQty: 2 dQty: 1 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - [] - [] - [] width: 50 length: 50 height: 2 terrain: UBASE shade: 15 - type: STR_BASE_DEFENSE data: - alienRank: 5 lowQty: 4 highQty: 8 dQty: 4 percentageOutsideUfo: 50 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 4 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - alienRank: 3 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - STR_STUN_BOMB - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - alienRank: 2 lowQty: 1 highQty: 2 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 20 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - alienRank: 1 lowQty: 1 highQty: 3 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - - STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - alienRank: 0 lowQty: 1 highQty: 1 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - - STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - alienRank: 6 lowQty: 0 highQty: 2 dQty: 1 percentageOutsideUfo: 50 itemSets: - [] - [] - [] - alienRank: 7 lowQty: 0 highQty: 2 dQty: 1 percentageOutsideUfo: 50 itemSets: - [] - [] - [] width: 60 length: 60 height: 2 terrain: XBASE shade: 5 - type: STR_MARS_CYDONIA_LANDING data: - alienRank: 5 lowQty: 4 highQty: 6 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 60 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - alienRank: 1 lowQty: 3 highQty: 5 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - alienRank: 0 lowQty: 3 highQty: 5 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP - - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - alienRank: 6 lowQty: 2 highQty: 4 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 100 itemSets: - [] - [] - [] width: 60 length: 60 height: 4 terrain: MARS shade: 15 nextStage: STR_MARS_THE_FINAL_ASSAULT - type: STR_MARS_THE_FINAL_ASSAULT data: - alienRank: 0 lowQty: 2 highQty: 4 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 1 lowQty: 1 highQty: 3 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 2 lowQty: 3 highQty: 5 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - - STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - - STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - alienRank: 3 lowQty: 3 highQty: 5 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 4 lowQty: 3 highQty: 5 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 5 lowQty: 3 highQty: 5 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP - alienRank: 6 lowQty: 1 highQty: 4 dQty: 0 percentageOutsideUfo: 0 itemSets: - [] - [] - [] width: 60 length: 60 height: 2 terrain: UBASE shade: 5 research: - name: STR_LASER_WEAPONS cost: 50 points: 10 - name: STR_LASER_PISTOL cost: 100 points: 10 dependencies: - STR_LASER_WEAPONS - name: STR_LASER_RIFLE cost: 300 points: 10 dependencies: - STR_LASER_PISTOL - name: STR_HEAVY_LASER cost: 460 points: 10 dependencies: - STR_LASER_RIFLE - name: STR_LASER_CANNON cost: 420 points: 15 dependencies: - STR_HEAVY_LASER - name: STR_LASER_DEFENSE cost: 510 points: 15 dependencies: - STR_LASER_CANNON - name: STR_MOTION_SCANNER cost: 180 points: 20 - name: STR_MEDI_KIT cost: 210 points: 20 - name: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS cost: 400 points: 30 needItem: true - name: STR_ALIEN_ENTERTAINMENT cost: 150 points: 30 needItem: true - name: STR_ALIEN_FOOD cost: 150 points: 30 needItem: true - name: STR_ALIEN_GRENADE cost: 200 points: 20 needItem: true - name: STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS cost: 300 points: 60 dependencies: - STR_SECTOID_COMMANDER - STR_SECTOID_LEADER - STR_SECTOID_ENGINEER - STR_SECTOID_MEDIC - STR_SECTOID_NAVIGATOR - STR_SECTOID_SOLDIER - STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST - STR_SNAKEMAN_COMMANDER - STR_SNAKEMAN_LEADER - STR_SNAKEMAN_ENGINEER - STR_SNAKEMAN_NAVIGATOR - STR_SNAKEMAN_SOLDIER - STR_CHRYSSALID_TERRORIST - STR_ETHEREAL_COMMANDER - STR_ETHEREAL_LEADER - STR_ETHEREAL_SOLDIER - STR_SECTOPOD_TERRORIST - STR_MUTON_ENGINEER - STR_MUTON_NAVIGATOR - STR_MUTON_SOLDIER - STR_SILACOID_TERRORIST - STR_CELATID_TERRORIST - STR_FLOATER_COMMANDER - STR_FLOATER_LEADER - STR_FLOATER_ENGINEER - STR_FLOATER_MEDIC - STR_FLOATER_NAVIGATOR - STR_FLOATER_SOLDIER - STR_REAPER_TERRORIST - name: STR_ALIEN_REPRODUCTION cost: 150 points: 30 needItem: true - name: STR_ALIEN_SURGERY cost: 150 points: 30 needItem: true - name: STR_BLASTER_BOMB cost: 300 points: 10 needItem: true - name: STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER cost: 900 points: 10 needItem: true - name: STR_CYDONIA_OR_BUST cost: 600 points: 60 dependencies: - STR_CYDONIA_DEP - name: STR_CYDONIA_DEP cost: 0 points: 0 unlocks: - STR_CYDONIA_OR_BUST requires: - STR_THE_MARTIAN_SOLUTION dependencies: - STR_SECTOID_COMMANDER - STR_SNAKEMAN_COMMANDER - STR_ETHEREAL_COMMANDER - STR_FLOATER_COMMANDER - name: STR_ELERIUM_115 cost: 450 points: 60 needItem: true - name: STR_EXAMINATION_ROOM cost: 150 needItem: true - name: STR_FLYING_SUIT cost: 330 points: 20 dependencies: - STR_POWER_SUIT - STR_UFO_NAVIGATION - name: STR_FUSION_DEFENSE cost: 800 points: 25 dependencies: - STR_FUSION_MISSILE - name: STR_FUSION_MISSILE cost: 880 points: 25 dependencies: - STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER - STR_BLASTER_BOMB - name: STR_GRAV_SHIELD cost: 930 points: 25 dependencies: - STR_NEW_FIGHTER_TRANSPORTER - name: STR_HEAVY_PLASMA cost: 800 points: 30 needItem: true - name: STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP cost: 400 points: 7 needItem: true - name: STR_HYPER_WAVE_DECODER cost: 670 points: 25 dependencies: - STR_FLOATER_NAVIGATOR - STR_SNAKEMAN_NAVIGATOR - STR_MUTON_NAVIGATOR - STR_SECTOID_NAVIGATOR - name: STR_MIND_PROBE cost: 600 points: 25 needItem: true - name: STR_MIND_SHIELD cost: 360 points: 25 dependencies: - STR_PSI_LAB - name: STR_NEW_FIGHTER_CRAFT cost: 600 points: 30 dependencies: - STR_UFO_CONSTRUCTION - name: STR_NEW_FIGHTER_TRANSPORTER cost: 700 points: 30 dependencies: - STR_NEW_FIGHTER_CRAFT - name: STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR cost: 180 points: 20 dependencies: - STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS - name: STR_PLASMA_CANNON cost: 660 points: 25 dependencies: - STR_PLASMA_CANNON_DEP1 - STR_PLASMA_CANNON_DEP2 - name: STR_PLASMA_DEFENSE cost: 620 points: 25 dependencies: - STR_PLASMA_CANNON - name: STR_PLASMA_PISTOL cost: 600 points: 20 needItem: true - name: STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP cost: 400 points: 5 needItem: true - name: STR_PLASMA_RIFLE cost: 700 points: 25 needItem: true - name: STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP cost: 400 points: 6 needItem: true - name: STR_POWER_SUIT cost: 205 points: 20 dependencies: - STR_ELERIUM_115 - STR_UFO_POWER_SOURCE - STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR - name: STR_PSI_AMP cost: 500 points: 20 dependencies: - STR_PSI_LAB - name: STR_PSI_LAB cost: 420 points: 25 dependencies: - STR_ETHEREAL_COMMANDER - STR_ETHEREAL_ENGINEER - STR_ETHEREAL_LEADER - STR_ETHEREAL_MEDIC - STR_ETHEREAL_NAVIGATOR - STR_ETHEREAL_SOLDIER - STR_SECTOID_LEADER - STR_SECTOID_COMMANDER - name: STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER cost: 550 points: 30 needItem: true - name: STR_STUN_BOMB cost: 180 points: 10 needItem: true - name: STR_THE_MARTIAN_SOLUTION cost: 500 points: 60 dependencies: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - STR_LEADER_PLUS - name: STR_LEADER_PLUS cost: 0 requires: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS dependencies: - STR_SECTOID_COMMANDER - STR_SECTOID_LEADER - STR_SNAKEMAN_COMMANDER - STR_SNAKEMAN_LEADER - STR_ETHEREAL_COMMANDER - STR_ETHEREAL_LEADER - STR_FLOATER_COMMANDER - STR_FLOATER_LEADER - name: STR_UFO_CONSTRUCTION cost: 450 points: 30 dependencies: - STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS - STR_ELERIUM_115 - STR_UFO_POWER_SOURCE - STR_UFO_NAVIGATION - name: STR_UFO_NAVIGATION cost: 450 points: 30 needItem: true - name: STR_UFO_POWER_SOURCE cost: 450 needItem: true - name: STR_ULTIMATE_CRAFT cost: 900 points: 30 dependencies: - STR_NEW_FIGHTER_TRANSPORTER - name: STR_ZOMBIE_CORPSE cost: 180 points: 50 lookup: STR_ZOMBIE_AUTOPSY needItem: true - name: STR_CELATID_CORPSE cost: 180 points: 50 lookup: STR_CELATID_AUTOPSY needItem: true - name: STR_ETHEREAL_CORPSE cost: 180 points: 50 lookup: STR_ETHEREAL_AUTOPSY needItem: true - name: STR_SILACOID_CORPSE cost: 180 points: 50 lookup: STR_SILACOID_AUTOPSY needItem: true - name: STR_REAPER_CORPSE cost: 180 points: 50 lookup: STR_REAPER_AUTOPSY needItem: true - name: STR_SNAKEMAN_CORPSE cost: 180 points: 50 lookup: STR_SNAKEMAN_AUTOPSY needItem: true - name: STR_SECTOID_CORPSE cost: 180 points: 50 lookup: STR_SECTOID_AUTOPSY needItem: true - name: STR_SECTOPOD_CORPSE cost: 180 points: 50 lookup: STR_SECTOPOD_AUTOPSY needItem: true - name: STR_MUTON_CORPSE cost: 180 points: 50 lookup: STR_MUTON_AUTOPSY needItem: true - name: STR_FLOATER_CORPSE cost: 180 points: 50 lookup: STR_FLOATER_AUTOPSY needItem: true - name: STR_CYBERDISC_CORPSE cost: 180 points: 50 lookup: STR_CYBERDISC_AUTOPSY needItem: true - name: STR_CHRYSSALID_CORPSE cost: 180 points: 50 lookup: STR_CHRYSSALID_AUTOPSY needItem: true - name: STR_FLOATER_SOLDIER cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_FLOATER needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - name: STR_FLOATER_NAVIGATOR cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_FLOATER needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - STR_HYPER_WAVE_DECODER getOneFree: - STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH - STR_ALIEN_HARVEST - STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION - STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION - STR_ALIEN_BASE - STR_ALIEN_TERROR - STR_ALIEN_RETALIATION - STR_ALIEN_SUPPLY - name: STR_FLOATER_MEDIC cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_FLOATER needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS getOneFree: - STR_SECTOID - STR_SNAKEMAN - STR_MUTON - STR_ETHEREAL - STR_CHRYSSALID - STR_SECTOPOD - STR_CYBERDISC - STR_SILACOID - STR_CELATID - STR_REAPER - STR_SECTOID_CORPSE - STR_SNAKEMAN_CORPSE - STR_MUTON_CORPSE - STR_ETHEREAL_CORPSE - STR_FLOATER_CORPSE - STR_CHRYSSALID_CORPSE - STR_SECTOPOD_CORPSE - STR_CYBERDISC_CORPSE - STR_SILACOID_CORPSE - STR_CELATID_CORPSE - STR_REAPER_CORPSE - name: STR_FLOATER_LEADER cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_FLOATER unlocks: - STR_LEADER_PLUS - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS needItem: true - name: STR_FLOATER_ENGINEER cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_FLOATER needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS getOneFree: - STR_SMALL_SCOUT - STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT - STR_LARGE_SCOUT - STR_HARVESTER - STR_ABDUCTOR - STR_TERROR_SHIP - STR_BATTLESHIP - STR_SUPPLY_SHIP - name: STR_FLOATER_COMMANDER cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_FLOATER needItem: true unlocks: - STR_LEADER_PLUS - STR_CYDONIA_DEP - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - name: STR_SNAKEMAN_SOLDIER cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_SNAKEMAN needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - name: STR_SNAKEMAN_NAVIGATOR cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_SNAKEMAN needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - STR_HYPER_WAVE_DECODER getOneFree: - STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH - STR_ALIEN_HARVEST - STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION - STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION - STR_ALIEN_BASE - STR_ALIEN_TERROR - STR_ALIEN_RETALIATION - STR_ALIEN_SUPPLY - name: STR_SNAKEMAN_MEDIC cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_SNAKEMAN needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS getOneFree: - STR_SECTOID - STR_MUTON - STR_ETHEREAL - STR_FLOATER - STR_CHRYSSALID - STR_SECTOPOD - STR_CYBERDISC - STR_SILACOID - STR_CELATID - STR_REAPER - STR_SECTOID_CORPSE - STR_SNAKEMAN_CORPSE - STR_MUTON_CORPSE - STR_ETHEREAL_CORPSE - STR_FLOATER_CORPSE - STR_CHRYSSALID_CORPSE - STR_SECTOPOD_CORPSE - STR_CYBERDISC_CORPSE - STR_SILACOID_CORPSE - STR_CELATID_CORPSE - STR_REAPER_CORPSE - name: STR_SNAKEMAN_LEADER cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_SNAKEMAN needItem: true unlocks: - STR_LEADER_PLUS - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - name: STR_SNAKEMAN_ENGINEER cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_SNAKEMAN needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS getOneFree: - STR_SMALL_SCOUT - STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT - STR_LARGE_SCOUT - STR_HARVESTER - STR_ABDUCTOR - STR_TERROR_SHIP - STR_BATTLESHIP - STR_SUPPLY_SHIP - name: STR_SNAKEMAN_COMMANDER cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_SNAKEMAN needItem: true unlocks: - STR_LEADER_PLUS - STR_CYDONIA_DEP - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - name: STR_MUTON_SOLDIER cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_MUTON needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - name: STR_MUTON_NAVIGATOR cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_MUTON needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - STR_HYPER_WAVE_DECODER getOneFree: - STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH - STR_ALIEN_HARVEST - STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION - STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION - STR_ALIEN_BASE - STR_ALIEN_TERROR - STR_ALIEN_RETALIATION - STR_ALIEN_SUPPLY - name: STR_MUTON_ENGINEER cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_MUTON needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS getOneFree: - STR_SMALL_SCOUT - STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT - STR_LARGE_SCOUT - STR_HARVESTER - STR_ABDUCTOR - STR_TERROR_SHIP - STR_BATTLESHIP - STR_SUPPLY_SHIP - name: STR_SECTOID_SOLDIER cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_SECTOID unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS needItem: true - name: STR_SECTOID_NAVIGATOR cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_SECTOID needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - STR_HYPER_WAVE_DECODER getOneFree: - STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH - STR_ALIEN_HARVEST - STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION - STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION - STR_ALIEN_BASE - STR_ALIEN_TERROR - STR_ALIEN_RETALIATION - STR_ALIEN_SUPPLY - name: STR_SECTOID_MEDIC cost: 192 points: 50 needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS lookup: STR_SECTOID getOneFree: - STR_SNAKEMAN - STR_MUTON - STR_ETHEREAL - STR_FLOATER - STR_CHRYSSALID - STR_SECTOPOD - STR_CYBERDISC - STR_SILACOID - STR_CELATID - STR_REAPER - STR_SECTOID_CORPSE - STR_SNAKEMAN_CORPSE - STR_MUTON_CORPSE - STR_ETHEREAL_CORPSE - STR_FLOATER_CORPSE - STR_CHRYSSALID_CORPSE - STR_SECTOPOD_CORPSE - STR_CYBERDISC_CORPSE - STR_SILACOID_CORPSE - STR_CELATID_CORPSE - STR_REAPER_CORPSE - name: STR_SECTOID_LEADER cost: 192 points: 50 needItem: true unlocks: - STR_LEADER_PLUS - STR_PSI_LAB - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS lookup: STR_SECTOID - name: STR_SECTOID_ENGINEER cost: 192 needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS lookup: STR_SECTOID getOneFree: - STR_SMALL_SCOUT - STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT - STR_LARGE_SCOUT - STR_HARVESTER - STR_ABDUCTOR - STR_TERROR_SHIP - STR_BATTLESHIP - STR_SUPPLY_SHIP - name: STR_SECTOID_COMMANDER cost: 190 points: 50 needItem: true lookup: STR_SECTOID unlocks: - STR_LEADER_PLUS - STR_CYDONIA_DEP - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - STR_PSI_LAB - name: STR_ETHEREAL_SOLDIER cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_ETHEREAL needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - STR_PSI_LAB - name: STR_ETHEREAL_LEADER cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_ETHEREAL needItem: true unlocks: - STR_LEADER_PLUS - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - STR_PSI_LAB - name: STR_ETHEREAL_COMMANDER cost: 192 points: 50 lookup: STR_ETHEREAL needItem: true unlocks: - STR_LEADER_PLUS - STR_CYDONIA_DEP - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - STR_PSI_LAB - name: STR_PLASMA_CANNON_DEP1 cost: 0 dependencies: - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP unlocks: - STR_PLASMA_CANNON - name: STR_PLASMA_CANNON_DEP2 cost: 0 dependencies: - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP unlocks: - STR_PLASMA_CANNON - name: STR_SECTOID cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_FLOATER cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_SNAKEMAN cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_MUTON cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_ETHEREAL cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST cost: 170 points: 50 lookup: STR_CYBERDISC needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - name: STR_CYBERDISC cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_REAPER_TERRORIST cost: 170 points: 50 lookup: STR_REAPER needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - name: STR_REAPER cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_CHRYSSALID_TERRORIST cost: 170 points: 50 lookup: STR_CHRYSSALID needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - name: STR_CHRYSSALID cost: 170 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_SILACOID_TERRORIST cost: 170 points: 50 lookup: STR_SILACOID needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - name: STR_SILACOID cost: 170 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_CELATID_TERRORIST cost: 170 points: 50 lookup: STR_CELATID needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - name: STR_CELATID cost: 170 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_SECTOPOD_TERRORIST cost: 170 points: 50 lookup: STR_SECTOPOD needItem: true unlocks: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS - name: STR_SECTOPOD cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_ALIEN_HARVEST cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_ALIEN_BASE cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_ALIEN_TERROR cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_ALIEN_RETALIATION cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_ALIEN_SUPPLY cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_SMALL_SCOUT cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_LARGE_SCOUT cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_HARVESTER cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_ABDUCTOR cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_TERROR_SHIP cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_BATTLESHIP cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_SUPPLY_SHIP cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_SECTOID_AUTOPSY cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_SNAKEMAN_AUTOPSY cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_FLOATER_AUTOPSY cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_MUTON_AUTOPSY cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_ETHEREAL_AUTOPSY cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_CYBERDISC_AUTOPSY cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_CHRYSSALID_AUTOPSY cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_REAPER_AUTOPSY cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_CELATID_AUTOPSY cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_SILACOID_AUTOPSY cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true - name: STR_SECTOPOD_AUTOPSY cost: 0 points: 50 needItem: true manufacture: - name: STR_FUSION_BALL_LAUNCHER category: STR_CRAFT_WEAPON requires: - STR_FUSION_MISSILE space: 6 time: 400 cost: 242000 requiredItems: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 1 - name: STR_LASER_CANNON category: STR_CRAFT_WEAPON requires: - STR_LASER_CANNON space: 6 time: 300 cost: 182000 - name: STR_PLASMA_BEAM category: STR_CRAFT_WEAPON requires: - STR_PLASMA_CANNON space: 8 time: 500 cost: 226000 requiredItems: STR_ELERIUM_115: 15 - name: STR_FUSION_BALL category: STR_CRAFT_AMMUNITION requires: - STR_FUSION_MISSILE space: 6 time: 600 cost: 28000 requiredItems: STR_ELERIUM_115: 4 - name: STR_TANK_LASER_CANNON category: STR_HEAVY_WEAPONS_PLATFORM requires: - STR_LASER_CANNON space: 25 time: 1200 cost: 500000 - name: STR_HOVERTANK_PLASMA category: STR_HEAVY_WEAPONS_PLATFORM requires: - STR_PLASMA_CANNON - STR_NEW_FIGHTER_CRAFT space: 30 time: 1200 cost: 850000 requiredItems: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 5 STR_ELERIUM_115: 30 - name: STR_HOVERTANK_LAUNCHER category: STR_HEAVY_WEAPONS_PLATFORM requires: - STR_FUSION_MISSILE - STR_NEW_FIGHTER_CRAFT space: 30 time: 1200 cost: 900000 requiredItems: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 8 STR_ELERIUM_115: 25 - name: STR_HWP_FUSION_BOMB category: STR_HWP_CANNON_SHELLS requires: - STR_FUSION_MISSILE - STR_NEW_FIGHTER_CRAFT space: 25 time: 400 cost: 15000 requiredItems: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 8 STR_ELERIUM_115: 5 - name: STR_LASER_PISTOL category: STR_WEAPON requires: - STR_LASER_PISTOL space: 2 time: 300 cost: 8000 - name: STR_LASER_RIFLE category: STR_WEAPON requires: - STR_LASER_RIFLE space: 3 time: 400 cost: 20000 - name: STR_HEAVY_LASER category: STR_WEAPON requires: - STR_HEAVY_LASER space: 4 time: 700 cost: 32000 - name: STR_MOTION_SCANNER category: STR_EQUIPMENT requires: - STR_MOTION_SCANNER space: 4 time: 220 cost: 34000 - name: STR_MEDI_KIT category: STR_EQUIPMENT requires: - STR_MEDI_KIT space: 4 time: 420 cost: 28000 - name: STR_PSI_AMP category: STR_EQUIPMENT requires: - STR_PSI_AMP space: 6 time: 500 cost: 160000 requiredItems: STR_ELERIUM_115: 1 - name: STR_HEAVY_PLASMA category: STR_WEAPON requires: - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA space: 4 time: 1000 cost: 122000 requiredItems: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 1 - name: STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP category: STR_AMMUNITION requires: - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP space: 4 time: 80 cost: 6000 requiredItems: STR_ELERIUM_115: 3 - name: STR_PLASMA_RIFLE category: STR_WEAPON requires: - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE space: 4 time: 820 cost: 88000 requiredItems: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 1 - name: STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP category: STR_AMMUNITION requires: - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP space: 4 time: 80 cost: 3000 requiredItems: STR_ELERIUM_115: 2 - name: STR_PLASMA_PISTOL category: STR_WEAPON requires: - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL space: 3 time: 600 cost: 56000 requiredItems: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 1 - name: STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP category: STR_AMMUNITION requires: - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP space: 4 time: 60 cost: 2000 requiredItems: STR_ELERIUM_115: 1 - name: STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER category: STR_WEAPON requires: - STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER space: 5 time: 1200 cost: 90000 requiredItems: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 1 - name: STR_BLASTER_BOMB category: STR_AMMUNITION requires: - STR_BLASTER_BOMB space: 3 time: 220 cost: 8000 requiredItems: STR_ELERIUM_115: 3 - name: STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER category: STR_WEAPON requires: - STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER space: 3 time: 900 cost: 78000 requiredItems: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 1 - name: STR_STUN_BOMB category: STR_AMMUNITION requires: - STR_STUN_BOMB space: 2 time: 200 cost: 7000 requiredItems: STR_ELERIUM_115: 1 - name: STR_ALIEN_GRENADE category: STR_WEAPON requires: - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE space: 2 time: 200 cost: 6700 requiredItems: STR_ELERIUM_115: 2 - name: STR_MIND_PROBE category: STR_EQUIPMENT requires: - STR_MIND_PROBE space: 4 time: 1200 cost: 262000 requiredItems: STR_ELERIUM_115: 1 - name: STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR category: STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR requires: - STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR space: 12 time: 800 cost: 22000 requiredItems: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 4 - name: STR_POWER_SUIT category: STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR requires: - STR_POWER_SUIT space: 16 time: 1000 cost: 42000 requiredItems: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 5 STR_ELERIUM_115: 5 - name: STR_FLYING_SUIT category: STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR requires: - STR_FLYING_SUIT space: 16 time: 1400 cost: 58000 requiredItems: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 5 STR_ELERIUM_115: 16 - name: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS category: STR_UFO_COMPONENT requires: - STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS space: 10 time: 100 cost: 3000 - name: STR_UFO_POWER_SOURCE category: STR_UFO_COMPONENT requires: - STR_UFO_POWER_SOURCE space: 22 time: 1400 cost: 130000 requiredItems: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 5 STR_ELERIUM_115: 16 - name: STR_UFO_NAVIGATION category: STR_UFO_COMPONENT requires: - STR_UFO_NAVIGATION space: 18 time: 1600 cost: 150000 requiredItems: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 3 - name: STR_FIRESTORM category: STR_CRAFT requires: - STR_NEW_FIGHTER_CRAFT space: 30 time: 14000 cost: 400000 requiredItems: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 65 STR_UFO_POWER_SOURCE: 1 STR_UFO_NAVIGATION: 1 - name: STR_LIGHTNING category: STR_CRAFT requires: - STR_NEW_FIGHTER_TRANSPORTER space: 34 time: 18000 cost: 600000 requiredItems: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 85 STR_UFO_POWER_SOURCE: 1 STR_UFO_NAVIGATION: 1 - name: STR_AVENGER category: STR_CRAFT requires: - STR_ULTIMATE_CRAFT space: 36 time: 34000 cost: 900000 requiredItems: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 120 STR_UFO_POWER_SOURCE: 2 STR_UFO_NAVIGATION: 1 ufopaedia: - id: STR_SKYRANGER type_id: 1 section: STR_XCOM_CRAFT_ARMAMENT image_id: UP004.SPK rect_stats: x: 160 y: 5 width: 140 height: 60 rect_text: x: 5 y: 40 width: 140 height: 100 text: STR_SKYRANGER_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_LIGHTNING type_id: 1 section: STR_XCOM_CRAFT_ARMAMENT requires: - STR_NEW_FIGHTER_TRANSPORTER image_id: UP003.SPK rect_stats: x: 5 y: 132 width: 140 height: 60 rect_text: x: 5 y: 40 width: 310 height: 60 text: STR_LIGHTNING_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_AVENGER type_id: 1 section: STR_XCOM_CRAFT_ARMAMENT requires: - STR_ULTIMATE_CRAFT image_id: UP001.SPK rect_stats: x: 160 y: 5 width: 140 height: 60 rect_text: x: 5 y: 40 width: 140 height: 100 text: STR_AVENGER_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_INTERCEPTOR type_id: 1 section: STR_XCOM_CRAFT_ARMAMENT image_id: UP002.SPK rect_stats: x: 5 y: 110 width: 140 height: 60 rect_text: x: 5 y: 40 width: 210 height: 60 text: STR_INTERCEPTOR_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_FIRESTORM type_id: 1 section: STR_XCOM_CRAFT_ARMAMENT requires: - STR_NEW_FIGHTER_CRAFT image_id: UP005.SPK rect_stats: x: 160 y: 5 width: 140 height: 60 rect_text: x: 5 y: 40 width: 140 height: 100 text: STR_FIRESTORM_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_STINGRAY type_id: 2 section: STR_XCOM_CRAFT_ARMAMENT image_id: UP006.SPK text: STR_STINGRAY_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_AVALANCHE type_id: 2 section: STR_XCOM_CRAFT_ARMAMENT image_id: UP007.SPK text: STR_AVALANCHE_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_CANNON_UC type_id: 2 section: STR_XCOM_CRAFT_ARMAMENT image_id: UP008.SPK text: STR_CANNON_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_FUSION_BALL_UC type_id: 2 section: STR_XCOM_CRAFT_ARMAMENT requires: - STR_FUSION_MISSILE image_id: UP009.SPK text: STR_FUSION_BALL_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_LASER_CANNON_UC type_id: 2 section: STR_XCOM_CRAFT_ARMAMENT requires: - STR_LASER_CANNON image_id: UP010.SPK text: STR_LASER_CANNON_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_PLASMA_BEAM_UC type_id: 2 section: STR_XCOM_CRAFT_ARMAMENT requires: - STR_PLASMA_CANNON image_id: UP011.SPK text: STR_PLASMA_BEAM_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_TANK_CANNON type_id: 3 section: STR_HEAVY_WEAPONS_PLATFORMS text: STR_TANK_CANNON_UFOPEDIA weapon: STR_ARMOR_PIERCING - id: STR_TANK_ROCKET_LAUNCHER type_id: 3 section: STR_HEAVY_WEAPONS_PLATFORMS text: STR_TANK_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_UFOPEDIA weapon: STR_ROCKET_LAUNCHER - id: STR_TANK_LASER_CANNON type_id: 3 section: STR_HEAVY_WEAPONS_PLATFORMS weapon: STR_LASER_CANNON requires: - STR_LASER_CANNON text: STR_TANK_LASER_CANNON_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_HOVERTANK_PLASMA type_id: 3 section: STR_HEAVY_WEAPONS_PLATFORMS weapon: STR_PLASMA_CANNON requires: - STR_PLASMA_CANNON - STR_NEW_FIGHTER_CRAFT text: STR_HOVERTANK_PLASMA_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_HOVERTANK_LAUNCHER type_id: 3 section: STR_HEAVY_WEAPONS_PLATFORMS weapon: STR_FUSION_BALL_LAUNCHER requires: - STR_FUSION_MISSILE - STR_NEW_FIGHTER_CRAFT text: STR_HOVERTANK_LAUNCHER_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR_UC type_id: 5 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT requires: - STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR - id: STR_POWER_SUIT_UC type_id: 5 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT requires: - STR_POWER_SUIT - id: STR_FLYING_SUIT_UC type_id: 5 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT requires: - STR_FLYING_SUIT - id: STR_PISTOL type_id: 4 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT text: STR_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_PISTOL_CLIP type_id: 4 section: STR_NOT_AVAILABLE - id: STR_RIFLE type_id: 4 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT text: STR_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_RIFLE_CLIP type_id: 4 section: STR_NOT_AVAILABLE - id: STR_HEAVY_CANNON type_id: 4 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT text: STR_HEAVY_CANNON_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_HC_AP_AMMO type_id: 4 section: STR_NOT_AVAILABLE - id: STR_HC_HE_AMMO type_id: 4 section: STR_NOT_AVAILABLE - id: STR_HC_I_AMMO type_id: 4 section: STR_NOT_AVAILABLE - id: STR_AUTO_CANNON type_id: 4 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT text: STR_AUTO_CANNON_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_AC_AP_AMMO type_id: 4 section: STR_NOT_AVAILABLE - id: STR_AC_HE_AMMO type_id: 4 section: STR_NOT_AVAILABLE - id: STR_AC_I_AMMO type_id: 4 section: STR_NOT_AVAILABLE - id: STR_ROCKET_LAUNCHER type_id: 4 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT text: STR_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_SMALL_ROCKET type_id: 4 section: STR_NOT_AVAILABLE - id: STR_LARGE_ROCKET type_id: 4 section: STR_NOT_AVAILABLE - id: STR_INCENDIARY_ROCKET type_id: 4 section: STR_NOT_AVAILABLE - id: STR_ROCKET_LAUNCHER type_id: 4 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT text: STR_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_LASER_PISTOL type_id: 4 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT requires: - STR_LASER_PISTOL text: STR_LASER_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_LASER_RIFLE type_id: 4 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT requires: - STR_LASER_RIFLE text: STR_LASER_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_HEAVY_LASER type_id: 4 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT requires: - STR_HEAVY_LASER text: STR_HEAVY_LASER_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_GRENADE type_id: 4 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT text: STR_GRENADE_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_SMOKE_GRENADE type_id: 4 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT text: STR_SMOKE_GRENADE_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_PROXIMITY_GRENADE type_id: 4 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT text: STR_PROXIMITY_GRENADE_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_HIGH_EXPLOSIVE type_id: 4 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT text: STR_HIGH_EXPLOSIVE_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_MOTION_SCANNER type_id: 4 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT requires: - STR_MOTION_SCANNER text: STR_MOTION_SCANNER_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_MEDI_KIT type_id: 4 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT requires: - STR_MEDI_KIT text: STR_MEDI_KIT_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_PSI_AMP type_id: 4 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT requires: - STR_PSI_AMP text: STR_PSI_AMP_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_STUN_ROD type_id: 4 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT text: STR_STUN_ROD_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_ELECTRO_FLARE type_id: 4 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT text: STR_ELECTRO_FLARE_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_HEAVY_PLASMA type_id: 4 section: STR_ALIEN_ARTIFACTS requires: - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA text: STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP type_id: 4 section: STR_ALIEN_ARTIFACTS requires: - STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP text: STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_PLASMA_RIFLE type_id: 4 section: STR_ALIEN_ARTIFACTS requires: - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE text: STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP type_id: 4 section: STR_ALIEN_ARTIFACTS requires: - STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP text: STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_PLASMA_PISTOL type_id: 4 section: STR_ALIEN_ARTIFACTS requires: - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL text: STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP type_id: 4 section: STR_ALIEN_ARTIFACTS requires: - STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP text: STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER type_id: 4 section: STR_ALIEN_ARTIFACTS requires: - STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER text: STR_BLASTER_LAUNCHER_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_BLASTER_BOMB type_id: 4 section: STR_ALIEN_ARTIFACTS requires: - STR_BLASTER_BOMB text: STR_BLASTER_BOMB_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER type_id: 4 section: STR_ALIEN_ARTIFACTS requires: - STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER text: STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_STUN_BOMB type_id: 4 section: STR_ALIEN_ARTIFACTS requires: - STR_STUN_BOMB text: STR_STUN_BOMB_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_ALIEN_GRENADE type_id: 4 section: STR_ALIEN_ARTIFACTS requires: - STR_ALIEN_GRENADE text: STR_ALIEN_GRENADE_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_ELERIUM_115 type_id: 4 section: STR_ALIEN_ARTIFACTS requires: - STR_ELERIUM_115 text: STR_ELERIUM_115_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_MIND_PROBE type_id: 4 section: STR_ALIEN_ARTIFACTS text: STR_MIND_PROBE_UFOPEDIA requires: - STR_MIND_PROBE - id: STR_ACCESS_LIFT type_id: 6 section: STR_BASE_FACILITIES text: STR_ACCESS_LIFT_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_LIVING_QUARTERS type_id: 6 section: STR_BASE_FACILITIES text: STR_LIVING_QUARTERS_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_LABORATORY type_id: 6 section: STR_BASE_FACILITIES text: STR_LABORATORY_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_WORKSHOP type_id: 6 section: STR_BASE_FACILITIES text: STR_WORKSHOP_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_SMALL_RADAR_SYSTEM type_id: 6 section: STR_BASE_FACILITIES text: STR_SMALL_RADAR_SYSTEM_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_LARGE_RADAR_SYSTEM type_id: 6 section: STR_BASE_FACILITIES text: STR_LARGE_RADAR_SYSTEM_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_MISSILE_DEFENSES type_id: 6 section: STR_BASE_FACILITIES text: STR_MISSILE_DEFENSES_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_GENERAL_STORES type_id: 6 section: STR_BASE_FACILITIES text: STR_GENERAL_STORES_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_ALIEN_CONTAINMENT type_id: 6 section: STR_BASE_FACILITIES text: STR_ALIEN_CONTAINMENT_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_LASER_DEFENSES type_id: 6 section: STR_BASE_FACILITIES requires: - STR_LASER_DEFENSE text: STR_LASER_DEFENSES_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_PLASMA_DEFENSES type_id: 6 section: STR_BASE_FACILITIES requires: - STR_PLASMA_DEFENSE text: STR_PLASMA_DEFENSES_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_FUSION_BALL_DEFENSES type_id: 6 section: STR_BASE_FACILITIES text: STR_FUSION_BALL_DEFENSES_UFOPEDIA requires: - STR_FUSION_DEFENSE - id: STR_GRAV_SHIELD type_id: 6 section: STR_BASE_FACILITIES requires: - STR_GRAV_SHIELD text: STR_GRAV_SHIELD_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_MIND_SHIELD type_id: 6 section: STR_BASE_FACILITIES requires: - STR_MIND_SHIELD text: STR_MIND_SHIELD_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_PSIONIC_LABORATORY type_id: 6 section: STR_BASE_FACILITIES requires: - STR_PSI_LAB text: STR_PSIONIC_LABORATORY_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_HYPER_WAVE_DECODER type_id: 6 section: STR_BASE_FACILITIES requires: - STR_HYPER_WAVE_DECODER text: STR_HYPER_WAVE_DECODER_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_HANGAR type_id: 6 section: STR_BASE_FACILITIES text: STR_HANGAR_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_SECTOID type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_SECTOID image_id: UP024.SPK text: STR_SECTOID_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_SECTOID_AUTOPSY type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS image_id: UP025.SPK text: STR_SECTOID_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA requires: - STR_SECTOID_CORPSE text_width: 158 - id: STR_SNAKEMAN type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_SNAKEMAN image_id: UP030.SPK text: STR_SNAKEMAN_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_SNAKEMAN_AUTOPSY type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_SNAKEMAN_CORPSE image_id: UP031.SPK text: STR_SNAKEMAN_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_ETHEREAL type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_ETHEREAL image_id: UP016.SPK text: STR_ETHEREAL_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_ETHEREAL_AUTOPSY type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_ETHEREAL_CORPSE image_id: UP017.SPK text: STR_ETHEREAL_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_MUTON type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_MUTON image_id: UP020.SPK text: STR_MUTON_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_MUTON_AUTOPSY type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_MUTON_CORPSE image_id: UP021.SPK text: STR_MUTON_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_FLOATER type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_FLOATER image_id: UP018.SPK text: STR_FLOATER_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_FLOATER_AUTOPSY type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_FLOATER_CORPSE image_id: UP019.SPK text: STR_FLOATER_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_CELATID type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_CELATID image_id: UP012.SPK text: STR_CELATID_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_CELATID_AUTOPSY type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_CELATID_CORPSE image_id: UP013.SPK text: STR_CELATID_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_SILACOID type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_SILACOID image_id: UP028.SPK text: STR_SILACOID_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_SILACOID_AUTOPSY type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_SILACOID_CORPSE image_id: UP029.SPK text: STR_SILACOID_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_CHRYSSALID type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_CHRYSSALID image_id: UP014.SPK text: STR_CHRYSSALID_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_CHRYSSALID_AUTOPSY type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_CHRYSSALID_CORPSE image_id: UP015.SPK text: STR_CHRYSSALID_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_REAPER type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_REAPER image_id: UP022.SPK text: STR_REAPER_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_REAPER_AUTOPSY type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_REAPER_CORPSE image_id: UP023.SPK text: STR_REAPER_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_SECTOPOD type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_SECTOPOD image_id: UP026.SPK text: STR_SECTOPOD_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_SECTOPOD_AUTOPSY type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_SECTOPOD_CORPSE image_id: UP027.SPK text: STR_SECTOPOD_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_CYBERDISC type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_CYBERDISC image_id: UP041.SPK text: STR_CYBERDISC_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_CYBERDISC_AUTOPSY type_id: 7 section: STR_ALIEN_LIFE_FORMS requires: - STR_CYBERDISC_CORPSE image_id: UP042.SPK text: STR_CYBERDISC_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA text_width: 158 - id: STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS type_id: 8 section: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH_UC requires: - STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS text: STR_ALIEN_ORIGINS_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_THE_MARTIAN_SOLUTION type_id: 8 section: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH_UC requires: - STR_THE_MARTIAN_SOLUTION text: STR_THE_MARTIAN_SOLUTION_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_CYDONIA_OR_BUST type_id: 8 section: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH_UC requires: - STR_CYDONIA_OR_BUST text: STR_CYDONIA_OR_BUST_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH type_id: 8 section: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH_UC requires: - STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH text: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_ALIEN_HARVEST type_id: 8 section: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH_UC requires: - STR_ALIEN_HARVEST text: STR_ALIEN_HARVEST_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION type_id: 8 section: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH_UC requires: - STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION text: STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION type_id: 8 section: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH_UC requires: - STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION text: STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_ALIEN_BASE type_id: 8 section: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH_UC requires: - STR_ALIEN_BASE text: STR_ALIEN_BASE_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_ALIEN_TERROR type_id: 8 section: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH_UC requires: - STR_ALIEN_TERROR text: STR_ALIEN_TERROR_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_ALIEN_RETALIATION type_id: 8 section: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH_UC requires: - STR_ALIEN_RETALIATION text: STR_ALIEN_RETALIATION_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_ALIEN_SUPPLY type_id: 8 section: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH_UC requires: - STR_ALIEN_SUPPLY text: STR_ALIEN_SUPPLY_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_UFO_POWER_SOURCE type_id: 7 section: STR_UFO_COMPONENTS requires: - STR_UFO_POWER_SOURCE image_id: UP032.SPK text: STR_UFO_POWER_SOURCE_UFOPEDIA text_width: 160 - id: STR_UFO_NAVIGATION type_id: 7 section: STR_UFO_COMPONENTS requires: - STR_UFO_NAVIGATION image_id: UP033.SPK text: STR_UFO_NAVIGATION_UFOPEDIA text_width: 145 - id: STR_UFO_CONSTRUCTION type_id: 7 section: STR_UFO_COMPONENTS requires: - STR_UFO_CONSTRUCTION image_id: UP034.SPK text: STR_UFO_CONSTRUCTION_UFOPEDIA text_width: 148 - id: STR_ALIEN_FOOD type_id: 7 section: STR_UFO_COMPONENTS requires: - STR_ALIEN_FOOD image_id: UP035.SPK text: STR_ALIEN_FOOD_UFOPEDIA text_width: 170 - id: STR_ALIEN_REPRODUCTION type_id: 7 section: STR_UFO_COMPONENTS requires: - STR_ALIEN_REPRODUCTION image_id: UP036.SPK text: STR_ALIEN_REPRODUCTION_UFOPEDIA text_width: 165 - id: STR_ALIEN_ENTERTAINMENT type_id: 7 section: STR_UFO_COMPONENTS requires: - STR_ALIEN_ENTERTAINMENT image_id: UP037.SPK text: STR_ALIEN_ENTERTAINMENT_UFOPEDIA text_width: 145 - id: STR_ALIEN_SURGERY type_id: 7 section: STR_UFO_COMPONENTS requires: - STR_ALIEN_SURGERY image_id: UP038.SPK text: STR_ALIEN_SURGERY_UFOPEDIA text_width: 105 - id: STR_EXAMINATION_ROOM type_id: 7 section: STR_UFO_COMPONENTS requires: - STR_EXAMINATION_ROOM image_id: UP039.SPK text: STR_EXAMINATION_ROOM_UFOPEDIA text_width: 150 - id: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS type_id: 7 section: STR_UFO_COMPONENTS requires: - STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS image_id: UP040.SPK text: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS_UFOPEDIA text_width: 145 - id: STR_SMALL_SCOUT type_id: 9 section: STR_UFOS requires: - STR_SMALL_SCOUT text: STR_SMALL_SCOUT_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT type_id: 9 section: STR_UFOS requires: - STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT text: STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_LARGE_SCOUT type_id: 9 section: STR_UFOS requires: - STR_LARGE_SCOUT text: STR_LARGE_SCOUT_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_HARVESTER type_id: 9 section: STR_UFOS requires: - STR_HARVESTER text: STR_HARVESTER_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_ABDUCTOR type_id: 9 section: STR_UFOS requires: - STR_ABDUCTOR text: STR_ABDUCTOR_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_TERROR_SHIP type_id: 9 section: STR_UFOS requires: - STR_TERROR_SHIP text: STR_TERROR_SHIP_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_BATTLESHIP type_id: 9 section: STR_UFOS requires: - STR_BATTLESHIP text: STR_BATTLESHIP_UFOPEDIA - id: STR_SUPPLY_SHIP type_id: 9 section: STR_UFOS requires: - STR_SUPPLY_SHIP text: STR_SUPPLY_SHIP_UFOPEDIA startingBase: facilities: - type: STR_ACCESS_LIFT x: 2 y: 2 - type: STR_HANGAR x: 2 y: 0 - type: STR_HANGAR x: 0 y: 4 - type: STR_HANGAR x: 4 y: 4 - type: STR_LIVING_QUARTERS x: 3 y: 2 - type: STR_GENERAL_STORES x: 2 y: 3 - type: STR_LABORATORY x: 3 y: 3 - type: STR_WORKSHOP x: 4 y: 3 - type: STR_SMALL_RADAR_SYSTEM x: 1 y: 3 randomSoldiers: 8 crafts: - type: STR_SKYRANGER id: 1 fuel: 1500 damage: 0 items: STR_GRENADE: 8 STR_HC_AP_AMMO: 2 STR_HC_HE_AMMO: 2 STR_HEAVY_CANNON: 1 STR_PISTOL: 3 STR_PISTOL_CLIP: 5 STR_RIFLE: 6 STR_RIFLE_CLIP: 12 status: STR_READY - type: STR_INTERCEPTOR id: 1 fuel: 1000 damage: 0 weapons: - type: STR_STINGRAY ammo: 6 - type: STR_CANNON_UC ammo: 200 status: STR_READY - type: STR_INTERCEPTOR id: 2 fuel: 1000 damage: 0 weapons: - type: STR_STINGRAY ammo: 6 - type: STR_CANNON_UC ammo: 200 items: STR_AC_AP_AMMO: 6 STR_AUTO_CANNON: 1 STR_AVALANCHE_LAUNCHER: 1 STR_AVALANCHE_MISSILES: 10 STR_CANNON: 2 STR_CANNON_ROUNDS_X50: 1 STR_GRENADE: 5 STR_HC_AP_AMMO: 6 STR_HEAVY_CANNON: 1 STR_PISTOL: 2 STR_PISTOL_CLIP: 8 STR_RIFLE: 2 STR_RIFLE_CLIP: 8 STR_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: 1 STR_SMALL_ROCKET: 4 STR_SMOKE_GRENADE: 5 STR_STINGRAY_LAUNCHER: 1 STR_STINGRAY_MISSILES: 25 scientists: 10 engineers: 10 startingTime: second: 0 minute: 0 hour: 12 weekday: 6 day: 1 month: 1 year: 1999 costSoldier: 20000 costEngineer: 25000 costScientist: 30000 timePersonnel: 72 ufoTrajectories: - id: P0 groundTimer: 3000 waypoints: - [5, 4, 100] - [1, 3, 74] - [1, 1, 28] - [2, 1, 47] - [5, 2, 100] - id: P1 groundTimer: 4000 waypoints: - [5, 4, 100] - [1, 2, 76] - [1, 2, 20] - [2, 1, 44] - [1, 0, 20] - [1, 2, 32] - [3, 1, 65] - [5, 0, 100] - id: P2 groundTimer: 5000 waypoints: - [5, 4, 100] - [1, 3, 57] - [1, 2, 26] - [2, 1, 50] - [5, 0, 100] - id: P3 groundTimer: 6000 waypoints: - [5, 4, 100] - [1, 3, 30] - [1, 2, 25] - [3, 1, 20] - [5, 0, 100] - id: P4 groundTimer: 7000 waypoints: - [5, 4, 100] - [1, 2, 67] - [1, 2, 52] - [3, 1, 40] - [1, 0, 30] - [1, 2, 20] - [3, 1, 30] - [5, 0, 100] - id: P5 groundTimer: 4000 waypoints: - [5, 4, 100] - [1, 2, 50] - [1, 2, 20] - [4, 1, 15] - [1, 0, 20] - [1, 2, 29] - [4, 1, 42] - [5, 0, 90] - id: P6 groundTimer: 5000 waypoints: - [5, 4, 100] - [1, 3, 50] - [1, 2, 25] - [4, 1, 16] - [5, 0, 100] - id: P7 groundTimer: 9000 waypoints: - [5, 4, 100] - [1, 3, 60] - [1, 2, 30] - [0, 1, 20] - [5, 0, 100] - id: P8 groundTimer: 6000 waypoints: - [5, 4, 100] - [2, 1, 60] - [3, 1, 20] - [0, 1, 30] - [4, 1, 20] - [1, 1, 42] - [3, 1, 56] - [5, 4, 100] - id: P9 groundTimer: 2000 waypoints: - [5, 4, 80] - [5, 0, 100] - id: __RETALIATION_ASSAULT_RUN groundTimer: 1000 waypoints: - [5, 4, 100] #This should always be 5, 4, 100 - [5, 0, 100] #only the 0 altitude matters alienMissions: - type: STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH points: 0 raceWeights: 0: STR_SECTOID: 70 STR_SNAKEMAN: 10 STR_FLOATER: 20 1: STR_SECTOID: 60 STR_SNAKEMAN: 10 STR_FLOATER: 30 3: STR_SECTOID: 30 STR_SNAKEMAN: 10 STR_MUTON: 30 STR_FLOATER: 30 5: STR_SECTOID: 20 STR_SNAKEMAN: 10 STR_MUTON: 40 STR_FLOATER: 30 7: STR_SECTOID: 30 STR_SNAKEMAN: 10 STR_MUTON: 30 STR_FLOATER: 30 waves: - ufo: STR_SMALL_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P0 timer: 9000 - ufo: STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P2 timer: 7800 - ufo: STR_LARGE_SCOUT count: 2 trajectory: P4 timer: 9000 - type: STR_ALIEN_HARVEST points: 30 raceWeights: 0: STR_SECTOID: 50 STR_SNAKEMAN: 20 STR_FLOATER: 30 1: STR_SECTOID: 50 STR_FLOATER: 50 3: STR_SECTOID: 30 STR_MUTON: 30 STR_FLOATER: 40 5: STR_SECTOID: 10 STR_MUTON: 40 STR_FLOATER: 50 7: STR_SECTOID: 30 STR_MUTON: 30 STR_FLOATER: 40 waves: - ufo: STR_SMALL_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P0 timer: 7800 - ufo: STR_SMALL_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P2 timer: 7800 - ufo: STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P2 timer: 6000 - ufo: STR_LARGE_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P0 timer: 7800 - ufo: STR_LARGE_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P3 timer: 9000 - ufo: STR_HARVESTER count: 1 trajectory: P4 timer: 3000 - ufo: STR_HARVESTER count: 1 trajectory: P4 timer: 750 - ufo: STR_BATTLESHIP count: 1 trajectory: P2 timer: 1500 - type: STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION points: 50 raceWeights: 0: STR_SECTOID: 60 STR_FLOATER: 40 1: STR_SECTOID: 40 STR_FLOATER: 60 3: STR_SECTOID: 50 STR_FLOATER: 50 5: STR_SECTOID: 30 STR_FLOATER: 70 7: STR_SECTOID: 50 STR_FLOATER: 50 waves: - ufo: STR_SMALL_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P0 timer: 15000 - ufo: STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P1 timer: 18000 - ufo: STR_LARGE_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P3 timer: 9000 - ufo: STR_ABDUCTOR count: 1 trajectory: P3 timer: 9000 - ufo: STR_ABDUCTOR count: 2 trajectory: P4 timer: 60 - type: STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION points: 0 raceWeights: 0: STR_SECTOID: 60 STR_SNAKEMAN: 20 STR_FLOATER: 20 1: STR_SECTOID: 50 STR_SNAKEMAN: 20 STR_FLOATER: 30 3: STR_SECTOID: 20 STR_SNAKEMAN: 20 STR_MUTON: 50 STR_FLOATER: 10 5: STR_SECTOID: 10 STR_SNAKEMAN: 10 STR_ETHEREAL: 40 STR_MUTON: 30 STR_FLOATER: 10 7: STR_SECTOID: 20 STR_SNAKEMAN: 20 STR_ETHEREAL: 10 STR_MUTON: 40 STR_FLOATER: 10 waves: - ufo: STR_SMALL_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P0 timer: 16500 - ufo: STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P1 timer: 15000 - ufo: STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P6 timer: 13800 - ufo: STR_LARGE_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P7 timer: 9000 - ufo: STR_LARGE_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P7 timer: 60 - ufo: STR_TERROR_SHIP count: 1 trajectory: P7 timer: 60 - ufo: STR_SUPPLY_SHIP count: 1 trajectory: P7 timer: 60 - ufo: STR_BATTLESHIP count: 2 trajectory: P7 timer: 60 - type: STR_ALIEN_BASE points: 50 raceWeights: 0: STR_SECTOID: 30 STR_SNAKEMAN: 20 STR_FLOATER: 50 1: STR_SECTOID: 40 STR_SNAKEMAN: 20 STR_FLOATER: 40 3: STR_SECTOID: 10 STR_SNAKEMAN: 40 STR_MUTON: 30 STR_FLOATER: 20 5: STR_SECTOID: 10 STR_SNAKEMAN: 40 STR_ETHEREAL: 10 STR_MUTON: 20 STR_FLOATER: 20 7: STR_SECTOID: 10 STR_SNAKEMAN: 20 STR_ETHEREAL: 40 STR_MUTON: 20 STR_FLOATER: 10 waves: - ufo: STR_SMALL_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P1 timer: 13500 - ufo: STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P5 timer: 15000 - ufo: STR_LARGE_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P5 timer: 60 - ufo: STR_SUPPLY_SHIP count: 2 trajectory: P5 timer: 60 - ufo: STR_BATTLESHIP count: 1 trajectory: P6 timer: 60 - type: STR_ALIEN_TERROR points: 10 raceWeights: 0: STR_SECTOID: 30 STR_FLOATER: 70 1: STR_SECTOID: 60 STR_FLOATER: 40 3: STR_SECTOID: 20 STR_SNAKEMAN: 60 STR_FLOATER: 20 5: STR_SECTOID: 10 STR_SNAKEMAN: 20 STR_ETHEREAL: 40 STR_MUTON: 20 STR_FLOATER: 10 7: STR_SECTOID: 20 STR_SNAKEMAN: 30 STR_ETHEREAL: 20 STR_MUTON: 20 STR_FLOATER: 10 waves: - ufo: STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P1 timer: 15000 - ufo: STR_LARGE_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P1 timer: 9600 - ufo: STR_TERROR_SHIP count: 1 trajectory: P0 timer: 12000 - ufo: STR_TERROR_SHIP count: 1 trajectory: P7 timer: 9000 - type: STR_ALIEN_RETALIATION points: 0 raceWeights: {} #Special case, race comes from trigger UFO. waves: - ufo: STR_SMALL_SCOUT count: 1 trajectory: P8 timer: 3000 - ufo: STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT count: 2 trajectory: P8 timer: 3000 - ufo: STR_LARGE_SCOUT count: 3 trajectory: P8 timer: 3000 - ufo: STR_BATTLESHIP count: 2 trajectory: P8 timer: 3000 - type: STR_ALIEN_SUPPLY points: 0 raceWeights: {} #Special case, race comes from base. waves: - ufo: STR_SUPPLY_SHIP count: 1 trajectory: P9 timer: 6000 alienItemLevels: - [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2] - [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2] - [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2] - [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2] - [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] - [0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] - [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] - [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] - [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] - [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] MCDPatches: # pathFinding Hacks. # bigWall 1 = regular bigwall, no movement allowed. # bigWall 2 = can walk by north-east/south-west # bigWall 3 = can walk by north-west/south-east # bigWall 4 = acts as west wall # bigWall 5 = acts as north wall # bigWall 6 = acts as east wall # bigWall 7 = acts as south wall # bigWall 8 = acts as east and south wall - type: XBASE1 data: - MCDIndex: 2 bigWall: 2 - MCDIndex: 3 bigWall: 2 - MCDIndex: 4 bigWall: 3 - MCDIndex: 5 bigWall: 3 - MCDIndex: 19 bigWall: 2 - type: AVENGER data: - MCDIndex: 12 bigWall: 2 - MCDIndex: 14 bigWall: 3 - MCDIndex: 16 bigWall: 3 - MCDIndex: 26 bigWall: 4 - MCDIndex: 30 bigWall: 4 - MCDIndex: 31 bigWall: 4 - MCDIndex: 32 bigWall: 4 - MCDIndex: 33 bigWall: 4 - MCDIndex: 33 bigWall: 4 - MCDIndex: 43 bigWall: 6 - MCDIndex: 44 bigWall: 6 - MCDIndex: 45 bigWall: 6 - MCDIndex: 46 bigWall: 6 - MCDIndex: 48 bigWall: 2 - MCDIndex: 56 terrainHeight: -7 - type: LIGHTNIN data: - MCDIndex: 0 bigWall: 6 - MCDIndex: 1 bigWall: 6 - MCDIndex: 2 bigWall: 2 - MCDIndex: 3 bigWall: 7 - MCDIndex: 4 bigWall: 3 - MCDIndex: 5 bigWall: 5 - MCDIndex: 6 bigWall: 5 - MCDIndex: 7 bigWall: 2 - MCDIndex: 8 bigWall: 2 - MCDIndex: 9 bigWall: 4 - MCDIndex: 10 bigWall: 4 - MCDIndex: 11 bigWall: 3 - MCDIndex: 12 bigWall: 2 - MCDIndex: 13 bigWall: 7 - type: U_EXT02 data: - MCDIndex: 2 bigWall: 6 - MCDIndex: 3 bigWall: 7 - MCDIndex: 4 bigWall: 2 - MCDIndex: 5 bigWall: 2 - MCDIndex: 6 bigWall: 3 - MCDIndex: 7 bigWall: 3 - MCDIndex: 8 bigWall: 8 - MCDIndex: 13 bigWall: 2 - MCDIndex: 14 bigWall: 2 - MCDIndex: 15 bigWall: 2 # Mountain terrain death tile fix - type: MOUNT data: - MCDIndex: 0 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 1 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 2 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 3 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 4 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 5 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 6 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 7 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 8 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 9 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 10 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 11 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 12 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 13 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 14 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 15 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 16 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 17 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 18 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 19 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 20 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 21 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 22 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 23 deathTile: 77 - MCDIndex: 71 deathTile: 74 - MCDIndex: 72 deathTile: 75 - MCDIndex: 73 deathTile: 76 extraSprites: - type: Pathfinding width: 64 height: 80 files: 0: Resources/Pathfinding/ - type: Projectiles width: 105 height: 33 subX: 3 subY: 3 files: 0: Resources/BulletSprites/BulletSprites.png #New spritesheet Example: # - type: GIANTBUNNY.PCK # width: 32 # height: 40 # files: # 0: Resources/Bunny/Bunny00.png # 1: Resources/Bunny/Bunny01.bmp # 2: Resources/Bunny/Bunny02.gif # #Extra Sounds: # type should correspond to one of the following: # - BATTLE.CAT - battlescape noises, original cat file has 55 entries (0-54) # see # - GMINTRO.CAT - some intro sounds, probably best not to mess with these. # - SAMPLE3.CAT - some more intro sounds, probably best not to mess with these. # - GEO.CAT - geoscape/UI noises, original cat file has 14 entries (0-13) # see #extraSounds: # - type: BATTLE.CAT # files: # 55: Resources/Sounds/sample.wav #Extra strings: # type must correspond to the filename of the language you want to add to # the rest should be fairly straight forward #extraStrings: # - type: English # strings: # STR_SNIPER_RIFLE: Sniper Rifle # STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_CLIP: Sniper Rifle Clip # - type: EnglishUk # strings: # STR_SNIPER_RIFLE: Sniper Rifle # STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_CLIP: Sniper Rifle Clip # - type: German # strings: # STR_SNIPER_RIFLE: Scharfschützengewehr # STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_CLIP: Scharfschützengewehrmunition # - type: Russian # strings: # STR_SNIPER_RIFLE: Снайперская винтовка # STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_CLIP: Магазин к снайп. винтовке