This replaces some of the existing game files, as that is the only way to get new items in, as such, please be sure to make backups of all your original files before... you know what? forget it, if you're modding your game and don't have backups, you sir, are a dumbass, and as such, you deserve to lose all your data, i take no responsibility for any harm these files may cause to your computer, but i reserve the right to laugh at you if somehow they do.
Current feature list:
new tank type - battle mech! it's a battle mech. need i say more? based on the sectopod chassis, but with 50% more badass. (actual results may vary)
new graphics for all new facilities
tank shells will now cause small explosions
training facility added - slowly increases soldier's stats, using the same formula as apocalypse
medical bay added - decreases wounded soldier convalescence time
combat knife - simple melee weapon, buyable from purchase screen
plasma blade (alien combat knife), disruptors (alien laser tech) and gauss guns (alien AP tech) - aliens spawn with them - researchable, manufacturable
researchable disruptor and gauss cannons for hovertanks and crafts
three map type for terror missions: now has residential (original), commercial and military base.
complete armour rework
complete weapon damage workover
added Sentinel class interceptor (costs more, is better, funky new sprite
set avenger to have one weapon slot only, hybrid transports don't get to be effective fighter craft too, sorry.
grenade launcher with arcing projectile
flamethrower with area of effect
shotgun with multiple simultaneous projectiles
full automatic fire mode for selected weapons (5 bullet auto fire)
sniper rifle replaces heavy cannon
combat armor added, purchasable from buy interface
power armour replaced with re-coloured TFTD ion armour
flying armour helmet graphics altered
inventory screens for all new/updated armour
incendiary grenades
stun grenades
flashbangs - explode immediately, no priming, reduces reactions, accuracy and detection radius for 2-3 turns
terror missions at military bases (new map type) with military personnel (new unit type) with flashbangs and all mundane weapon types available
heavy weapons will only be issued to soldiers capable of using them (weight > 10, strength > 35)
soldiers, if issued with pistols, will grab a melee weapon in their left hand, if one is available
added police, they will show up as local law enforcement on terror missions and actually fight aliens
left handedness now graphically represented
dual wielding now properly represented on battlescape
new tank type - battle mech! it's a battle mech. need i say more? based on the sectopod chassis, but with 50% more badass. (actual results may vary)
new graphics for all new facilities
tank shells will now cause small explosions
training facility added - slowly increases soldier's stats, using the same formula as apocalypse
medical bay added - decreases wounded soldier convalescence time
combat knife - simple melee weapon, buyable from purchase screen
plasma blade (alien combat knife), disruptors (alien laser tech) and gauss guns (alien AP tech) - aliens spawn with them - researchable, manufacturable
researchable disruptor and gauss cannons for hovertanks and crafts
three map type for terror missions: now has residential (original), commercial and military base.
complete armour rework
complete weapon damage workover
added Sentinel class interceptor (costs more, is better, funky new sprite
set avenger to have one weapon slot only, hybrid transports don't get to be effective fighter craft too, sorry.
grenade launcher with arcing projectile
flamethrower with area of effect
shotgun with multiple simultaneous projectiles
full automatic fire mode for selected weapons (5 bullet auto fire)
sniper rifle replaces heavy cannon
combat armor added, purchasable from buy interface
power armour replaced with re-coloured TFTD ion armour
flying armour helmet graphics altered
inventory screens for all new/updated armour
incendiary grenades
stun grenades
flashbangs - explode immediately, no priming, reduces reactions, accuracy and detection radius for 2-3 turns
terror missions at military bases (new map type) with military personnel (new unit type) with flashbangs and all mundane weapon types available
heavy weapons will only be issued to soldiers capable of using them (weight > 10, strength > 35)
soldiers, if issued with pistols, will grab a melee weapon in their left hand, if one is available
added police, they will show up as local law enforcement on terror missions and actually fight aliens
left handedness now graphically represented
dual wielding now properly represented on battlescape