Mission Zones
Let me be honest, making any meaningful changes to the Mission Zones is a HUGE pain in the backside and is not something that should be attempted unless your a experienced modder as it is so painful and complicated, the below notes are at this stage for my benefit as i work out how things work, once i feel i have a firm grasp on it, i will right them into some meaningful tutorial but for now its going to be bits an pieces of info mostly to remind me how to do it...You have been warned. Luke83
Useful Links:
Adding Mission Zones by hand - Useful for Alien Base Spawning
Adding Location Points by hand ( useful for mapping out TerrorSites)
The order of the Coordiantes is also import, the smaller number should always be on the LEFT hand side and if you cross the 0 point (Prime Meridian point), you need to split it into 2 zones.